chapter three: a deal

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the morning comes

This time you're already outside waiting for Steve when he gets there.

"Finally you're up early! I'm surprised." Steve says sarcastically as you buckle up.
"Ha ha very funny Steve. I actually am expecting someone to come by the store today so I can find out where to get that tattoo I want." You say.
"Who?" Steve asks.
"Uhh Eddie. I met him yesterday when I went to pick Dustin up." You respond.
"Eddie Munson? Great now you're gonna stop hanging out with me for him just like Dustin, well I'm sorry that I can't help with tattoos or D&D but you know I can be fun too!" Steve says with a smile.
You laugh. "Slow down Steve I'm just getting tattoo info from him. I didn't know you were so jealous of Eddie!" You say teasingly.
"I am not jealous of him. I'm just saying, ever since Dustin joined Eddie's D&D club, he's been a lot more focused on spending more time with Eddie than me, and I really enjoy spending time with you y/n." Steve replies.
"I'm not ditching you for Eddie, Steve. Plus I'm sure Dustin is only hanging out with him more because you're at work a lot and he's in the same school as him. It's a matter of convenience." you reassure Steve.
"Yeah, I guess so. Anyway let me tell you about this girl I went out with the other day..." Steve goes on about his unlucky love life as he does pretty much every morning on the way to work.

*Time skip to the middle of the working shift

You and Robin are having a discussion about band.
"I mean don't get me wrong I'm excited for this pep rally, but I have a trumpet solo and I am literally standing RIGHT next to Vickie when it happens. What if I mess up? What if she thinks I'm a total loser for messing up? I mean we have been practicing for weeks it wouldn't make sense for me to mess up right? But still there is that chance y/n! I cannot embarras myself in front of Vickie more! I do that way more times than I should already and I really feel like I'm gonna scare her away. And..."
"ROBIN" you get her to stop rambling.
"What?" she says.
"You're gonna do great! You're the best trumpet player I know! You're gonna blow Vickie's socks off with your solo and she's gonna fall madly in love with you." You say smiling.
Robin giggles, "Thank you y/n. I hope you're right. If not I could just drop out of school and work here for the rest of my life right?"
"Yeah probably not the best idea." You say laughing.
"So Steve tells me you're expecting someone? Eddie?" Robin says.
"Yeah but at this point I don't even know if he's gonna show up, I mean I only have half an hour left of this shift. It's not a big deal though I mean it was just for the tattoo info." You say.
"He'll come." Robin says.
The door chimes as someone walks in.

"Wow see I must be a psychic because there he is!" Robin laughs and walks to the back of the store to put back returns

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"Wow see I must be a psychic because there he is!" Robin laughs and walks to the back of the store to put back returns.
Eddie walks over to you smiling. "Hey miss can you recommend me a movie please?" he says with a smirk.
"Hi Eddie." You say.
"Hi y/n." Eddie says. "So listen! I'm coming from school and I seem to have left my tattoo artist's information at home!" he puts his hands on his head and gasps dramatically. "It seems like I'm gonna have to go home to get it but I mean you're off soon right? It wouldn't make much sense to go home and then come back with the information once you're already gone right? So do you wanna hang out at my place? I just need to pick up a movie to watch and it seems like you have a ton here right?" he asks with a smile.
You smile back and ask "what kind of movie were you thinking of?"
"Hm well I personally love horror movies. Can you recommend me one?" Eddie asks.
"Well what's your favorite horror movie?" you ask.
"That's a tough one. Hm well I do love a good slasher movie so I'll go with Friday the 13th." he responds.
"Which one?" You ask.
"I've actually only seen the first one." Eddie says.
"Are you kidding? The second one is way better than the first! You have to watch it!" You reply as you walk out of the counter and grab the movie.
"So is that a yes? You'll come with me?" He says smiling.
"Yes I'll come with you as long as you agree to rent this movie." you say smiling.
"Deal." he says while giving you cash for the rental.

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