chapter twenty-three: prove it

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"So you're saying

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"So you're saying...we have our own Vale of Shadows in Hawkins called the Upside Down, where monsters like the demogorgon live and sometimes create portals to Hawkins...trying to take over the world...successfully creating a permanent connection to Will...and you've all defeated them three separate times with the help of El who has superpowers?" Eddie says.
"Telekinesis." Mike says.
"Bullshit." Eddie says laughing.
"We're telling you the truth Eddie." you say.
"Prove it." Eddie says.
Everyone shifts their vision from Eddie to Eleven.
"What?" El says.

Steve sets up a can of coke on the table and everyone stands back watching Eleven.
Eleven focuses on the can. She then lifts up her hand slightly. The can goes flying off the table, being crushed midair. Eleven wipes the blood off her nose as Eddie stares at the can in awe.
"Holy shit!" Eddie says.
"I know she's awesome!" Mike says.
"Wait so if she really does have powers...then" Eddie says.
"We're telling you the truth Eddie." Lucas says.
"And whatever it is that I's planning something...big." Will says.
Eddie looks at you in a way that you've never seen before. He's scared.

On the drive to Eddie's trailer he's full of questions.
"So that's not of the D&D mind flayer?" he asks.
"No...I just wanted something to remind me of the battle you know? Something that reminds me that I survived it." you say.
"Cool cool, and uh how exactly did you survive?" he asks.
"Well Lucas came up with a plan to throw fireworks at it and that worked for a while. It wasn't until Billy sacrificed himself to it that it was defeated." you say.
"Right and Billy was Max's stepbrother?" he asks.
"Yeah. He was an asshole but I'm glad he helped us out in his final moment. Max hasn't been herself ever since." you say.
"Yeah I wasn't easy losing my parents." Eddie says. You hold his hand to comfort him.
"Y/n?" Eddie says.
"Yes?" you say.
"...How do you guys know you're prepared to fight it this time?" he says.
"Well that's the thing...we don't know. We never really do. But as long as it keeps coming back we know we have to try." you say.

As Eddie walks you into his trailer he tries to lighten up the mood.
"Hey well at least you'd be easy to teach dungeons and dragons to, in fact you probably know more about the creatures than I do." he smiles.
"Still doesn't mean I want to learn." you smile.
"Oh come on! Please? For me?" he says with his puppy dog eyes that you can't resist.
"Okay fine. But only for a bit!" you say.
"Yes! Thank you!" he says excitedly as he runs to get his game.
"Alright so I'm usually Dungeon Master." he says.
"Ok and what is that?" you ask.
"It's basically the referee. I control the actions of the characters that aren't being played and the story we're playing by. So for example I can say that someone defeated one of the monsters and come back an hour later and say 'He's back for revenge!' " he says in a dorky wizard voice that makes you laugh.

 So for example I can say that someone defeated one of the monsters and come back an hour later and say 'He's back for revenge!' " he says in a dorky wizard voice that makes you laugh

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"What about all the dice why is there so many with so many different sides?" you ask.
"Well there's the d20 for attack rolls and saving throws, a d12 for the confusion spell, 2d8 for turning sticks to snakes, and a d4 to determine the fighter level of elf NPCs. But the game mechanics usually use a d6." Eddie says with a concentrated look.
Something about him being so passionate about the game gives you butterflies. You find it overwhelmingly cute.
"Mhm tell me more." you say smiling at him.
He smiles back.
"Mm well there's the different tiers of characters. Levels 1 to 4 are considered local heroes, 5 to 10 are heroes of the realm, 11 to 17 are masters of the realm and 17 to 20 are masters of the world." he says.
"And what level are you?" you ask.
"I, my darling, am a level 17." he says with a cocky smile.
"Oh wow! That's impressive baby." you say inching closer to him.
"Yeah?" he asks smiling.
"Mhm. Can you fight off the monsters for me?" you ask flirtatiously while you sit on his lap and wrap your arms around him.
"Oh yeah." he says pulling you in for a kiss.

You spend the rest of the night hearing him explain the game to you as you sit on his lap and flirt with him as he does it. You surprisingly enjoy learning about the game too, he makes it more fun with his jokes and mannerisms. The panic of what happened earlier has washed away from both of you as you live in the moment of right then.

You feel at home.

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