chapter thirty-two: 1991 (finale)

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And so, he did.
Eddie and you got married in 1990.

Back in '86, Eddie had you attend his graduation where he flipped off a few teachers on his way to get his diploma.  You ran up to kiss him as soon as he left the stage and he threw his cap in the air as he held you by your waist. Steve and you threw a surprise graduation party at his house for Robin, Eddie, and Nancy. It went great.

In '87 Eddie and you had your first year of freedom together. With him no longer having school and you quitting your job at Family Video, you spent the year traveling and going to tons of concerts with each other. You even went to California to visit the Byers. Something memorable from the trip was how sweet Eddie was with Will. They bonded over D&D and music and Will seemed genuinely happy to have another person to look up to. Eddie even convinced Joyce to let the bowl cut die down for a while and Will was eternally grateful.

In '88 Eddie sold his first album with Corroded Coffin. It did so well that a US tour was organized and Eddie wanted you to go with him. In fact he said he wasn't gonna go on tour UNLESS you went with him. So you did and loved every moment of it. Eddie would serenade you every show with a song on the album that he wrote about you. Whenever he'd meet fans there would inevitably be people who hit on him. He would kindly turn down each flirt but you didn't bat an eye or get jealous once. You were both so secure in your relationship that you trusted each other fully and knew neither one of you would cheat. In the summertime you would put Eddie's hair up for rehearsals so he wouldn't get too hot. He could do it himself but he preferred when you did it.

In '89 when you came back from the tour, Eddie moved into your house with you

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In '89 when you came back from the tour, Eddie moved into your house with you. You lived alone before then and it was really nice having him there with you all the time. Eddie was making good money with his music and you started a job at a record store. With your experience in touring it was easy to get hired. Plus you got to push customers towards buying Eddie's albums. Towards the end of the year on your fourth anniversary, Eddie and you had a picnic in the woods and then he took you to the arcade. He had that nervous look on his face the entire day and by then you knew that meant he was up to something. You played a few games and when you got to Dig Dug, the coin wouldn't start the game. You innocently pushed the button to get your coin back and as you reached into the slot your coin wasn't there, an engagement ring was. You picked it up and turned around and Eddie was on one knee smiling up at you. He asked you to marry him and of course you said yes as he rolled the ring onto your finger. He preplanned it with the owner of the arcade, Keith, who also happened to be your boss at Family Video which was really the only reason he agreed to help him.

 He preplanned it with the owner of the arcade, Keith, who also happened to be your boss at Family Video which was really the only reason he agreed to help him

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