chapter fifteen: please confess

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You're almost done with your shift at Family Video. At this point you've already filled Robin and Steve in with all the details concerning you and Eddie. You can't stop thinking about what he said a few nights ago. Or better yet; what he was going to say.

"Earth to y/n!" Robin says.
"What? Sorry I was.. What's up?" You say to Robin.
"I know your shift is almost over but do you mind putting the rentals back for me pretty pleaseee?" Robin asks smiling.
"Thank youu! You're the best." she says.

As you're restocking all the rentals you hear the door open. You turn around and see Eddie. His eyes meet yours and he walks over to you.
"Hey." he says.
"Hi Eddie." you smile at him.
He seems nervous about something.
"Everything alright?" you ask him.
"Hm? Yeah no everything's good. Everything okay with you?" he says.
"Yeah everything's good." you say.
"Good! Do you wanna hang out after your shift?" he asks fidgeting with his rings.
"Yeah I'm basically done here I'll be right there." you say smiling.
"Cool see you at the van! You know the one!" he says nervously laughing.
What's up with him today?

You walk over to Steve.
"Hey Steve I-" you say.
"Yeah yeah I know you won't need a ride today. Go! Have fun!" Steve says.
"Thank you." you say smiling.

You meet Eddie in the van and it seems like he was startled by you opening the door.
"Hey are you sure everything's alright Eddie?" you ask.
"Yeah it's.. yeah everything's good." Eddie says as he backs up out of the parking lot. "Anything in particular you wanna do?"
"Why don't we just go for a drive?" you ask.
"Sounds good." he says.
He puts on his Iron Maiden tape and plays it at a low volume.

You've been driving for the span of three songs and the lack of dialogue is killing you. All you can think of in your head is "please confess. please confess please confess."

After a few more songs the silence between you two is deafening. You start debating on being the one to confess yourself.

You're on the last song of the tape "To Tame a Land" and you start to prepare. You're gonna tell him you like him before the song ends.

Last minute of the song.
"Fuck it." you think to yourself.

"I like you."
"I like you."

You both say it at the same time and since you both say it so quickly, you couldn't hear each other.


You both laugh.
"You first." you say.
"I uh... I like you y/n." Eddie says as you feel your stomach drop. "I've known for a little while I just didn't know how to tell you because I'm not sure if you feel the same way. I just...I really like spending time with you and the way that you make me feel when we hang out. Plus I guess it helps that you're really pretty I mean I've known that since I first laid eyes on you." he says smiling. "I feel good when I'm with you y/n."
You look at him speechless with your cheeks flushed and your heart pounding.
"Um yeah so what were you gonna say?" he says laughing nervously.
"Actually I was gonna say the same thing." you say smiling. "I think you're really pretty too Munson." You watch as Eddie's face lights up and his cheeks turn pink. "Every time we hang out I feel so comfortable with you, like I've known you forever. I've never felt that way with anyone else." You mean every word you say.
"So...would you let me take you on a proper date maybe?" Eddie asks smiling widely.
"Maybe." you say teasingly.
"Maybe I can pick you up tomorrow night?" Eddie says.
"I'll see you tomorrow night then." you say as Eddie arrives to your house.
You get out of the van and say "bye Eddie."

"Goodnight pretty girl

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"Goodnight pretty girl." he says.
You melt.

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