Chapter 2

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The cold wind blew over my face making me shiver from where I'm standing. The gate in front of me standing strong, as if no childhood trauma ever happened inside. The steps where I was left looked horrific even up to this day.

My jacket was no use at the moment because of the evident chills I have on my neck. Either from the cold or from the reminder of what happened inside this house.

I pumped myself up to get ready to go inside when someone slapped me behind the head.

"Didn't think you'd actually show up, given the fact that you barely leave your house unless it's related to your damn work."

I rubbed my head and glared daggers at the man wearing tight leather.

"Coming from the man who keeps on intervening on police work as if he's part of the team." I taunted Diego then went inside, him walking behind me.

Once inside the house, I can already feel myself get caught up in memories of us running around in uniform when we were kids.

The interior of the house remained the same. Classy and antique looking. Definitely screams old money. The chandelier still hangs proudly in the ceiling.

"What is she doing here? You don't belong here. Not after what you did." I heard Diego said loudly.

I didn't realize that he already went ahead towards the staircase.

My eyes caught Grace's figure.

She was called Mom by the others and I don't. But that changed when I stupidly and accidentally called her Mom when I was having a fever back when I was still a kid. Ever since then, she would not respond to me unless I call her Mom which made me feel warm and fuzzy. She might be a robot made by the old man but she was the closest parent figure we had.

I walked towards her and kneeled when I reached her. Her hands are well put on her lap. She didn't make any movement or reaction when I went near her, she just kept staring blankly at the floor.

"Hi mom." I smiled warmly at her even though I know I won't get any answer.

"You know what, maybe he's right. I shouldn-"

"Forget about him, V. He's just being sour." I cut her off, walking towards two people at the foot of the staircase.

"Aira." the both of them said while smiling.

"I'm glad you're here, Vanya," I told her, holding her hand.

"I am too. I'm actually really happy that the both of you are here." Allison added.

The three of us stood there smiling at each other before Allison said that she still had some unpacking to do.

Vanya and I watched her go up.

"Are you really glad to see me? Even after what I did?" Vanya looked at us with her sorrowful eyes.

I scoffed lightly. "That's your point of view with how you were raised, V. I have no say in what you felt growing up under the roof the the old dog.  We all had something we wanted to let off steam about." 

"You're not mad?" She inquired, her voice raspy.

It took a while for me to answer, not because I was actually angry at what she did. It's because I don't want her to think that I hate her.

Vanya released an autobiography called Extraordinary. it basically contained her life with us and how she was left out in everything. She spilled family secrets, those that are supposed to stay within the house.

There are parts that I was not quite happy, especially with how he talked about the death of Ben. But then again, her pain was different from mine and I can't judge her for that.

"I can't say that I'm mad. More like shocked." I chuckled. "Since when did little V have the courage to screw dear old Reginald's secrets like that."

Vanya chortled quietly.

My eyes went to mom for the second time and a portrait caught my attention.

"You know, Five would've felt the same as I did." I voiced out.

"He's always been a know-it-all, isn't he" Vanya laughed.

Five was undeniably the smartest out of all of us. Even our Number One acknowledged that.

But sometimes, being too smart has its own consequences.

"Listen, I'm going to go upstairs. Do you want to come with?" I asked Vanya.

"No, I think I'm going to stay down here a bit."

I nodded at her and marched my way up to the upper floor.

All of our rooms were located at this floor which at times, makes it quite chaotic especially when missions are handed out. Everyone would dash in and out of their rooms.

I chuckled at the memory of Five blinking in and out of everyone else's rooms just to scare or annoy the crap out of each other.

As I pass by each door, my smile gradually got wider and wider until I stopped in front of one door. On it was a nameplate who owned that bedroom



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