Chapter 30

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I walked back to the car without any word while Diego followed behind me.

I have mixed feelings about his confession, it makes sense but I feel like it isn't right for him to do that. But I still can't deny that if I have contradicting feelings, it must be worse for Diego. I don't know what to do or say to him so I just stayed silent. I don't really want to talk about anyway and it looks the same for him.

We have more pressing matters at the moment and I figured I'd let myself gather my thoughts before I would open up the topic.

"Bingo." Diego muttered. 

He was staring at the ruffling curtains of the room that the guy that attacked us went into. 

They might not be the one who did that to Mom but the fact that they attacked us, nearly killed us off is still very fresh in my mind.

"You do know that killing these people is not gonna make you feel better." Klaus said while holding a bottle of liquor that he's probably been sipping on when we weren't here.

"Yeah, but when it's done... I'm gonna sleep like a baby" Diego replied as he adjusted something on his clothes.

I don't even get why he wears that type of clothing. It's like he wants to be in some kind of action movie every single day except that it's always a failure.

"Sure you will." Klaus sighed as he finished chugging down the alcohol held in his hands.

I shook my head at the both of them and leaned back. A single flame was back and is slithering in between my fingers. I saw Diego look at me through his rear view mirror but he didn't say anything and turned back to look at the window of the people we're going to ambush.

After a few minutes, the same guy we followed walked out of the room holding a tiny wooden bucket. I distinguished my fire and leaned forward to have a better look.

When he turned to walk to the hallway, I started getting ready by putting my hair in a ponytail.

"Stay in the car." Diego told Klaus.

"What are you talking about? This guy tortured me." Klaus complained.

"I have a plan." Diego looked at Klaus then opened his side of the door to get out.

I was about to follow him but before I even opened my door, he held it back.

"You're staying too." Diego simple said then went away.

My mouth was agape at his order. 

My reaction of shock turned to a loud scoff.

"He did not just fucking order me around." I gritted my teeth, looking at the direction he went.

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