Chapter 4

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After that eventful encounter with Luther, aka Spaceboy, I decided to just go to the garden to take a look around but mainly to just get air.

I opened the door that led outside and saw green everywhere. Overgrown trees and plants. The gazeebo stood tall at the side.

I smiled at the memory of Ben and I just running around here without any care in the world. Our laugh, filling the open space that we are playing at. Their dad is very against of this playful actins but since he was out for two days, might as well take advantage of it.

The memory made me happy not until I saw the statue.

At the left side of the area is Ben's statue. It was put there after his funeral. 

Walking towards that statue, I can't help but feel another wave of longing towards him. He was gone too soon. We had plans even at a young age. We both felt the same for each other. Even the others saw that. When Ben passed, they kept asking me if I was okay and I get that they just wanted to feel comfort with each other but I felt suffocated. I wanted to grieve on my own. But there was no time for grieving according to the old bastard.

I kept training until I would just feel exhaustion and not pain. Train until the only thing I could do was sleep and when day offs come, I would spend it with Klaus and when he isn't available, that's the only time I go and spend time with Ben's statue.

All of those times are filled with tears.

Until now, more than a decade has passed, I feel like the pain of losing him is still fresh.

"Hey Benny." I greeted the statue as if he's actually the real Ben.

"It has been a lot of years since I saw you." I whispered softly.

I took hold of the hand and felt nothing but coldness.

"I miss you so much, you have no idea how much I've tried to distract myself every single day just so I could avoid thinking about you." the smile that I had slowly started to get replaced with a thin lipped expression, trying hard not to cry.

"I would spend hours on work just so I could fill my head with other things." my eyes traveled to the statue's face.

"But here I am standing in front of your damn statue, talking to it as if it's you. As if you're going to answer and heal all our pain." I laughed with tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

Thunders rang throughout the sky and I looked up to see dark clouds above.

"I'm going back inside. It looks like it's about to rain. I know how you don't like when I get rained on, insisting that I would get a fever." I sniffed and let go of his hand which was now warm because of the heat I gave.

I turned my back on the statue and went back inside.

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