Chapter 28

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The three of us managed to get away before we get overpowered by the amount of people in that bar.

Diego parked a block away from Griddy's Doughnuts.

We all tried catching our breaths while laughing.

What happened back there was risky but it was exhilarating.

I've spent time with Allison and Vanya recently but not with these two and I have to say that it was really fun.

"You got a big mouth, you know that?" Diego told Klaus who just kept on chuckling.

"Oh, wow. What a truly shocking revelation, Diego." Klaus replied sarcastically as he fished something out of his pocket.

"Everything's a big joke to you, right?" Diego looked at Klaus who's opening a packet full of white powdery substance.

"Okay, will you stop that." I snatched the drugs from Klaus' hand. He tried taking it back from me but Diego stopped him.

"Why are you even putting that shit in your body?" Diego asked him while Klaus looked immediately defeated.

I reached beside Klaus' seat to pull a lever so the back of his seat will straighten out.

Klaus blew a raspberry at me when I was in his view. I held his forehead and started massaging it to try and distract him from the drugs. He looked at the empty seat beside me ang smirked.

I'm pretty sure there's no one beside me so it's probably Klaus being Klaus. It makes sense.

"Check this out, hm?" Diego lifted his shirt up. "My body is a temple. All that shit you do, it's weakness."

"Oh, wow, beautiful." Klaus replied, obviously not interested at Diego's motivational speech.

I noticed his hands go into his pocket again.

"Well, weakness feels good." Klaus pulled his hand to reveal another type of drug.

I had enough  and smacked the pill out of his hand.

"Enough, Klaus!" I yelled at him.

"Don't do that! That's expensive!" Klaus complained, sitting upright.

"Don't tell Diego and I that everything is all right, because we saw you in there Klaus. You were crying like a baby! Tell me what happened!" I grabbed his shirt to make him look at me straight in the eye.

"Because I lost someone!" Klaus exclaimed at me, his eyes getting teary once more. "Just like how you lost Ben, Aira."

I went quiet and let Klaus go. I remember the pain of losing Ben. That must be the reason why Klaus isn't himself. It's not about the war at all. It's how he lost someone important to him.

Diego didn't say anything as well. He recently just lost his friend and Mom in a span of two days.

What a crew we are right now.

"I lost someone. The only... The only person I've ever truly loved more than myself." Klaus explained.

I stayed silent.

Some might  expect me to say something inspiring to Klaus so he can feel better since I've been in his position but nothing comes to mind. How can I say something that would ease his pain when I've been suffering for years and I still haven't overcome it.

"Well, you're luckier than most. When you lose someone, at least you can see them whenever you want." Diego said.

I guess he's right. That's an advantage of Klaus' powers but I doubt he's in the right mind to conjure someone, let alone the love of his life. He'd break.

Diego suddenly grabbed his rear view mirror with a serious face.

"What is it?" I asked him then looked back.

Coming out of Griddy's Doughnuts was a large man dressed in a tux.

"That's our man." Diego said.

"What do you mean? What's with him?" I questioned Diego who's looking intently at the guy.

"Hey, I know that guy." Klaus stated, looking at the side mirror.

"How could you possibly know that-"

"He and a really angry lady tortured me. I barely got out with my life." Klaus cut Diego off.

Did he just say torture?

That guy tortured Klaus?

Then he must be the one who kidnapped Klaus. That guy is one of the gunners who attacked us. He's responsible for Mom's death.

I felt red hot anger surge through my body.

The man went inside his car and started driving away.

"We gotta get this guy." Diego turned his body in front and started the engine of his car.

"Yeah, no shit. Let's give them their own medicine." I seethed as I followed the car with my eyes.

"Yes, ma'am." Diego sped up.

They attacked us. Killed Mom. And now they tortured Klaus?

They're going to fucking pay.

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