Chapter 8

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Luther announced that the memorial service will be held in an hour and to kill time, I spent it catching up with Pogo.

Pogo is a chimpanzee who has the ability to talk, walk, and think like a human. A smart human. I also concluded that he is actually smarter than me. 

We talked about how he figured out about the times we would sneak out at night just to get doughnuts or have fun like normal kids. Turns out, the reason why the old hog didn't have any clue is because he would cover for us.

Besides Grace, Pogo is very trustworthy. He gives advice that would actually help me out in the real world. I adore him so much. He was such a softie when we were so young.

We spent about almost an hour talking and reminiscing the old days before he announced that he has to get ready. He handed me a black umbrella to use since it was raining outside.

I looked at the clock and saw that I still have at least 10 minutes to myself.

For the second time for today, I found myself holding the hand of Ben's statue, warming it up just like how I did before.

I didn't say anything and just spent the whole time giving warmth to the statue.

Ben didn't like the cold. That's one thing he would always rant to me about. Saying that it doesn't make sense why the world has to go through winter. To stop him from his train of ridiculous speech, I would always hold his hands to warm it up. Call it his own personal heater but he was really grateful whenever I did that.

I chuckled at the memory where Ben would shyly ask to hold my hand whenever he's cold.

"You're one cute ass boy, aren't you." I whispered.

The face on the statue looked identical to him when he died.

"I wonder what you look like now if you didn't die." I said, examining the face of Ben.

At that moment, I heard the door open.

Luther and the others walked out, even Grace.

I released the statue's hand and went to stand between Allison and Diego.

I caught Klaus' eye and he smiled at me warmly.

Quite rare since Klaus would just pull a weird expression.

"Did something happen?" Mom suddenly asked us, her smile faltering a bit.

We all looked at her in confusion.

"Dad died. Remember?" Allison answered, her brows furrowing in puzzlement.

How can she not know? She's always been in this house. And the death of his creator was the talk of everyone.

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