Chapter 25

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I went in for work and stayed there for a few hours at least since I was still on leave. I hate this company but the work I have with them keeps me afloat and not starving.

Turns out, a newbie mixed up the names of the company's clients. It was an easy job, there was a book of records in the storage for back up.

Getting names mixed up in the company I'm in is quite a big problem, luckily, only a handful were affected. I was dizzy though and I felt a headache already forming.

"Be mindful about the Jenkins and Jenkinson. Those are two different people, please." I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

They said that they can handle the rest and said that I can go home.

I did leave but not to go home but to go to the academy to continue looking for Klaus. I still have no idea where he is so I might just ask around or look for clues.

It's getting very worrisome because I haven't seen him since the day the gunners ambushed us.

I entered the academy to go about and around the house but I stumbled upon Allison all dressed up.

"Hey, you. Where are you off to?" I asked her.

"Going to Vanya's. You want to come with? I'm going to stop by Petrola's bakery. Remember those? We loved eating Bombolini there." Allison offered to me.

I groaned at what she said because I haven't had that in years and I only had a chocolate drink for breakfast but I have to find Klaus first before I can rest easy.

"I would kill for thos Bombolini but I can't right now. I have to look for Klaus." I sighed, disappointed.

"Well, okay. Say hi to him for me." Allison waved.

"To Vanya as well." I said before proceeding to the stairs to check every room.

If I have to rummage through Reggie's room even just for a small chance that he might be there, I will.

Klaus is someone that I would like to take care off. He's obviously suffering from addiction and I know that he's going to regret it one point or another. I don't want him to suffer. We spent the childhood together and he means a lot to me.

When I reached the landing, I bumped into Five.

I remembered that the gunners were looking for him but now that he's here, he must've solved whatever problems they have with each other. But I'm not done with them yet.

I tapped his shoulder as a greeting with a slight hiss. I may have forgotten that I still have a wound and I was trying really hard not to move my joint cause the skin keeps moving on top of it

Five must've heard me and asked, "What's wrong?" 

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