Chapter 31

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Diego, Klaus and I were inside the truck and Klaus was the assigned driver. I objected with the decision but Klaus promised that he won't get us in any kind of accident and that he's not drunk because of the adrenaline.

I hesitantly agreed and just decided to keep an eye on him while I try and patch up Diego's arm that was shot.

I was able to find a random cloth at the back of the ice cream truck that we stole and decided to use that to bandage the wound.

"Mind you, we have to return this vehicle from where we took it." I said once I finished dressing Diego's bloody arm.

"What? Why? This is a perfectly good choice for a road trip." Klaus laughed. Thankfully, he was actually focused on the road.

"This is slower than any car I have ever driven and it's making me insane." Diego growled on the passenger seat.

I was positioned between the driver's seat and the passenger one. My form was crouched down but it's not really bothering me.

What's bothering me is the constant argument between the two people I'm with.

Although, sober (I think), Klaus keeps on laughing at something inside the truck, specifically something near me which I guess is moving around because Klaus' eyes keeps going to one place to another but never going far away from me.

Diego, on the other hand, won't stop complaining about how slow we're going and that we're going to lose the people we're currently tailing.

"Okay, enough!" I yelled to which they both quieted down. "My eardrums are about to burst because of your voices." I rubbed my head in annoyance.

"Klaus, keep driving and don't stray your eyes away from the road. I can see you darting your sight everywhere." I pointed at him.

"I'm focused, don't worry. Just trying to have a little fun with Bener-"

"I don't want to hear it." I faced away from him while Diego chuckled.

"And you." I set my eyes on the wounded up man. "I'll take this while you try and be quiet. I don't want to hear any yapping from you either." I took a device from his hand which was the key to how we were able to follow the psychos.

"But I need that to tra-"

"I can also read this thing, you know." I cut him off by sitting at the back of the ice cream truck.

I set my eyes on the device and just put my whole attention there. The silence was bliss, to say the least. I heaved a sigh of contentment but not even a few minutes after that, Diego kept on asking how far we were from the gunners.

I kept on answering him as patiently as I can but it's starting to get on my nerves for the nth time.

This shouldn't even be a surprise since I've spent my childhood with these people but I don't know how they keep on coming up with something that annoys me to the point that I just want to sizzle them but I kept my composure because they're family. And it might start a war.

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