Chapter 39

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I went downstairs in a hurry with my mind full of anger.

Or was it jealousy.

It's not fair that Klaus has seen me at my worst and even gave me multiple advices just to get through my grief. I never asked him about Ben cause I figured he must've been having a hard time as well and now he literally just tried to bribe me by saying that Ben has been with him all this time? Everything isn't fair.

I felt betrayed.

I should be feeling a bit of relief that I can have  a few moments with Ben through Klaus before the world ends but the fact that he has hidden that information from me threw me off. I can't stay in a room with Klaus without feeling the need to clock him straight in the head.

When I reached Ben's room, I stopped.

I've grown accustomed to staying in his room just to calm myself ever since I returned to this hell hole. Hell, I haven't even stepped inside this room before I even left to fend for myself. And now that I have finally put my all, everything comes crashing down.

My eyes travelled to the name plate on the door.

Confusion was evident on my face and if anyone has been watching me all this time, they might think that I stopped functioning.

Without any more time to waste, I opened the door and stepped in the room for the nth time.

The same feeling of calmness was gone and was now replaced with an undistinguishable emotion.

The fury I had for Klaus, and even Ben, was gone. I just felt... empty.

I looked around the room, every corner and trinkets that I see, I would focus on it purely for distraction.

"It's not fair." I whispered into thin air.

A lifeless laugh emitted from me as I imagined Ben standing in front of me.

"How could Klaus shamelessly comfort me and say that he understood my pain when he never even had the chance to feel that he lost you." A tear streamed down as I stared hard into nothingness.

Klaus was definitely something else and I accepted his uniqueness. I was the only one to defend him from malicious comments and attacks. I was there for him and he was there for me too.

Or so I thought.

Even with the end of the world approaching, it seemed like time stopped moving. 

Klaus' words kept on going on and on in my head like a record player and as it kept going, my mind cleared up a bit.

Weird but things like that tend to make me understand something else.

Klaus might have something on his mind to keep that from me but that doesn't change the fact that that was a big deal for me and I needed his explanation.

I also have to apologize to him as I may or may not have said a few hurtful things to him.

"Now I feel stupid." I chuckled as I laid down on the bed with my arms outstretched. "Klaus has always been a weird one but that doesn't mean that he's one for making people feel miserable."

"I'm sure he has his reasons, right Ben?" I turned my head to the empty space beside me. Looking and waiting for an answer but I still got none.

I'm used to it.

But it does feel different knowing that he might be listening but just couldn't answer.

The thought of him listening silently made me smile.

If I remember correctly, Klaus has been seeing Ben even before we left so it's nice to think about how Ben has also been there for me in some ways.

"Wait..." I suddenly sat up as my thoughts got to the point of something entirely else.

If Ben has been with Klaus the entire time that they were hanging out, then Ben must be present as well when Klaus almost walked in on me showering (I gave him a spare key since he kept on knocking on my door in the middle of the night.)

My face went redder than tomatoes.

"Shit." I muttered.

It might be weird topic for Klaus but if what I just though actually happened then I need to excuse myself.

I also need to apologize to Klaus.

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