Chapter 23

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Allison and I quickly reached Vanya's apartment building without any kind of hassle along the way.

I was still worried about Klaus' whereabouts because as I've mentioned before, he can be quite unpredictable which is hard for me. I don't know what's going on in his mind.

I reached Vanya's door a few seconds before Allison did and before she can get near me, I noticed Vanya's door was open a bit. I held up a hand to Allison which made her stop.

I pointed at the door and she walked towards me quietly.

When she saw what distracted me, she showed an expression of worry.

I put my finger against my lip, signaling that we both have to be quiet.

Allison nodded at me and I silently opened the door which thankfully was easy enough.

We both went inside swiftly.

"Vanya?" Allison voiced out, hoping that Vanya just carelessly left her door open.

There was no answer at all.

This is actually the first time that I've been inside Vanya's apartment.

It's nothing much, same as mine to be honest. The needed necessities are what's important as well as basic furniture to fill up empty spaces.

Allison went ahead to put her handbag down on the table near us.

When she put it down, I noticed that I have a perfect view of Vanya's bedroom but before I could even take a step to look inside, a man walked across inside with his back on me.

My expression turned from worry to scared. Not scared at the guy, no, I can beat his ass to a fine pulp. I'm scared for Vanya. What if this guy took her and harmed her.

From scared, I felt anger.

"Aira?" Allison called out for me.

I shushed her and pointed at Vanya's bedroom.

Her eyes widened.

We both knew what we had to do since we both went on missions together as kids.

She positioned herself by the door that has a column sticking out from the wall.

I swiftly and silently crouched down by the sink.

I opened the cabinet below to hide from him once enters our sight.

Not even a couple of seconds later, there were footsteps getting near us.

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