Chapter 22

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I heard low murmuring above me which made me open my eyes but I closed it back up because of the blinding lights that welcomed my sight.

I hissed in complain and sat up wobbly.

The furniture that I slept on wasn't Ben's bed so I was confused how I got there and that's when I recalled the events that happened last night.

Two gunners went inside and tried shooting us up. 

I also remembered the bullet graze I got from one of them.

The wound stopped bleeding already but it still hurt a bit.

My body was very sore as well because I used up a lot of my ability more than I have ever done in a while.

I stood up quietly to climb up the stairs. I need to find Mom to help me bandage this wound. Five would go ballistic if he sees me like this. Well, not ballistic but he would just nag me like the old man he is.

As I climbed up, I heard the murmuring voices go quiet.

When I finally got to the landing, I saw Allison and Luther.


I remember him as well.

His appearance that I'm pretty sure wasn't like that when we were still kids.

I don't get why he ran upstairs like a wimp but what I saw isn't really a big deal for me. But I still want to know how.

When Luther saw me, I gave him a reassuring smile but he didn't return it. Even Allison didn't greet me a good morning.

The smile I had was replaced with a furrowed expression.

I don't really have time at the moment because the scrape I have is starting to sting a lot and I need Mom. She's really good at first aid and no one can do it better than her.

"Have you seen Mom? I kinda need her to dress this shitty wound because it's starting to hurt like a little bitch." I pointed at my injured shoulder.

Luther looked at the ground solemnly.

"Aira..." Allison looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

The way the both of them are right now is making me worry.

"What is it? What happened?" I was starting to get confused and on edge with how the both of them are acting.

No one said anything.

Luther suddenly cleared his throat, making me give my attention to him.

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