Chapter 13

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I finally just finished changing into an appropriate outfit. The dress was quite hard to move into but not exceptionally impossible. I looked at myself in the mirror, thinking about what I would do to my hair.

After a few minutes, I decided to just put it into a half ponytail and let a few strands fall on my face. It doesn't really need that much styling since it was naturally wavy.

I walked out of the room and was about to head out to meet Five and Klaus, instead I was met with an emotional Allison talking to Vanya.

I hid myself by going back into the bathroom but still listening in on them.

"You know, if I wanted advice, Vanya, no offense, it wouldn't be from you." Allison said, her voice shaking.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Vanya asked.

"You don't have a child. You've never even been in a relationship." Allison stated, trying to get a point across.

"That's not true." Vanya disagreed.

"So you know what it's like to love someone like this? Like when you're apart from her, you can't breathe? Like you would die, and I mean actually die to know that she's okay and happy." Allison said.

I don't know what happened between the two of them to have this type of conversation but I can't contradict what she said.

Missing someone's presence and pretend that everything is fine and dandy is a difficult feat to achieve. Yes, there are times where you would feel alive and okay, as if nothing is going to go wrong, and then suddenly get hit with the absence of someone.

It has always been hard but I just live by it, trying to make most of life as much as I can.

"You separate yourself from everything and everyone. You always have." Allison added.

Vanya's expression turned solemn.

"Because Dad made me." Vanya replied sadly.

"Did Dad make you write that book about us, too?" Allison retorted.

Okay, now that was a low blow, even for Allison.

I heard someone's footstep get fainter then stopped.

"You're an adult now, Vanya. You don't get to blame your problems on anyone but yourself." I heard Allison's voice and then nothing.

I figured the both of them were already gone but when I went out, Vanya was still standing there.

She didn't look at me or make any move to greet me. She just stood there, staring at the floor.

I sighed and walked towards her.

"Hey, V." I greeted her.

"How long were you there?" she shuffled her feet as she asked that.

"When Allison went off about you not being in a relationship." I answered honestly.

Vanya just nodded, her overall vibe just screams miserable.

"Listen, I may not have heard the whole conversation but don't feel bad about what she said about you and your book. That's your feelings, that's your point of view and we don't get a say in any of that. I read your book, V, and I'm going to be honest by saying that I was quite unhappy, but then again who am I to dictate what you should feel. I don't own you. I don't control you. But it's you that has to work on yourself as we grow up. Realize things, observe and shit. Don't let Allison's feelings overthrow yours. The both of you have different problems to deal with. Just try being sensitive about it, okay?" I ranted to Vanya.

She didn't say anything and just nodded.

"I love you, V. I may not be adopted to be you and the others' siblings but I care for you just like one." I hugged her as I said that.

I meant what I said. Being a Hargreeve or a Hart didn't really matter to me. I treated them like family. Grace and Pogo included.

Reggie? Absolutely not.

Hated that fucking lunatic.

I released Vanya from my embrace and was about to walk off but she held my hand.

She was finally looking at me.

"Where are you going?" She asked, eyeing my outfit.

"Just out with Fi-"

I stopped myself, suddenly remembering how Five didn't let Vanya see us when they talk before.

"Just out." I smiled.

"On a date?" Vanya questioned, looking up and down.

"Hell, no.  I'd rather break my leg than go out with someone." I laughed, making Vanya smile a bit.

"Ben still has a hold of you, I see." she whispered.

My laugh turned into a genuine smile.

"It's always going to be him, no matter what." 

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