Chapter 40

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~Sometime at 8:15AM~

"Hold on. Hold the phone. We all died fighting this thing the first time around, remember?" Klaus asked Luther who looked surprise.

"Klaus, shockingly, has a point. What gives us a win this time?" Diego spoke up for Klaus who's starting to gag.

I rubbed his back for even just a tiny bit of comfort.

Before anyone could even respond, there was a startling brilliant light right in front of us. While Diego was quickly startled out of his fucking ass, Allison and Luther leaned aside. I instinctively extended my arm, which was already enveloped in black lightning, in defense, ready to strike at whatever or whoever was responsible for that strange thing.

Without even a second passing since that thing appeared, something or someone fell out of it.

Turns out, it was Five who was holding a briefcase.

Deja vu much?

"You guys, am I still high or do you see him, too?" Klaus breathed out from where he fell off.

Once everyone saw who it was, everyone relaxed while Five struggled to sit up.

"Five, where have you been?" Luther asked but Five was not able to answer because he almost fell off the counter but Luther and Allison managed to soften his fall.

Allison asked him, her voice filled with anxiety and concern, "Are you all right?" I can't say that I blame her since I share her anxiety. Five isn't exactly standing straight at the moment, and he did actually vanish on us in the middle of nowhere a few hours ago, adding to the number of questions he would have to respond to.

"Who did this?" Luther looked at his miniature twin.

"Irrelevant." Five simply answered after he took Allison's coffee from her.

He chugged the coffee with his back on us and a loud slurping sound which would earn him a scolding from the old man if he was still alive.

"So, the apocalypse is in three days. The only chance we have to save the world is, well, us." Five stated once he turned around to look at us.

I'm pretty sure we're all looking at him full of confusion and judgement. It's normal. Not a day passes we won't throw insult to one another at some point when we were still children.

"The Umbrella Academy." Luther mumbled to us which sounded dumb to be honest.

"But with me, obviously. So if y'all don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed. Who cares if Dad messed us up? Are we going to let that define us?" Five spat.

If that was a pep talk then it fucking sucked because it just makes me want to punch his smug face.

I pointed at Five and said, "Yeah, no shit and quit with the animosity, would you?" I gestured at him, "We worked that part out previously when you were gone. How can we stop it is what we all want to know."

"I've come back with a lead. I know who's responsible for the apocalypse." Five pulled his hands out of his pocket and showed us a folded piece of paper.

Allison stepped forward to ask for the note and when Five gave it to her, the rest of us leaned in towards to look at the bastard that we have to stop.

"Harold Jenkins?" Allison read out loud.

"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Diego asked us but nobody answered him. Nobody had an answer.

This Harold Jenkins will get it.

I'm not going to let anything happen to my family, dysfunctional or not.

But as I looked at the paper, something started bugging me the fuck out.

There was a slurping sound and I looked at Five who's trying to finish Allison's coffee.

I approached him with a sidehug to which he tried to step away.

"You fucking had me worried back there. You suddenly disappeared on us." I looked down at him.

When he suddenly vanished, I was hit with the memory of waking up the day after Five disappeared and just feeling like a part of me died,

Believe it or not, Five and I were actually quite close. All of those late night trips to the kitchen with Vanya were unforgettable and until this day, I hold that close to my heart.

"I'm fine." he grunted as he stopped trying to step away.

I just shrugged with a small smile.

"That was a shitty pep talk by the way. You gotta work on your social skills more."


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