Chapter 38

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I found myself at the same position I was standing on while watching Diego attempting to tuck a restless Klaus for the second time today. Compared to the first time he was wrapped in a rope, he is now even more tense.

"You know, no. I- I think... I think this was..." Klaus stuttered as he stood up and tried to step away from Diego who's focusing on the tangled ropes.

I got to my feet and stopped Klaus from trying to get away. Because of his attitude and thinking, I'm confident that he wants this, and I'm going to assist him. He was quite insistent when he asked us to tie him down to "take away his alternatives."

"Where do you think you're going?" I put my hands on his chest.

"I think this was a bad idea. No. I just- I should have had just one last hit to ease me into it. That's all I need. I'll be right back." Klaus tried to reason out at the same time trying to make his way past me but I was holding him back quite literally.

"No, no, no. I don't think so." Diego held Klaus' arm sternly. 

Klaus grasped my arm and Diego's in a very feeble attempt to give in to his demands, but that's not going to happen. "That's not how it works, guys," he said. Regardless of how contradictory Klaus's beliefs are, if he says he has to be restrained, that is what must be done.

"Klaus, sit down" I pushed him back lightly which made him stumble a bit.

Klaus continued pushing us back by stepping obstinately forward, but he's having a hard time with Diego and I standing in front of him. "Okay, just listen, both of you, please." Klaus said. It was actually quite simple to deal with him given that he appears physically sick.

"Sit." Diego commanded but Klaus was still trying to reason out which made Diego quite agitated that resulted in him punching Klaus in the stomach.

I scrunched my face as I let go of Klaus who's doubled over and groaning in pain. I didn't like the idea but it did make Klaus be easier to handle and it's not like it's the first time for him to receive a punch from any of us.

"Okay, just sit back down. No more punches." I warned Diego as I helped Klaus back on the chair.

Once Klaus was once again sat back down, I started wrapping him with the rope with the help of a one handed Diego. It made the process easier and quicker.

"Damn you both!" Klaus  grunted, still sore from Diego's hit.

Diego and I were having difficulties to finish the job as Klaus refused to stop moving. He even began to curse at us. I would've been terrified because he could have the power to genuinely curse people, but in his current condition he probably wouldn't be able to so I'm not bothered.

"Get off! Just get off of me!" Klaus struggled more and Diego probably snapped already because he held Klaus by the shoulders to stop him from moving. I took that to my advantage to speed up what I'm doing.

"Listen to me. Just, listen. I can conjure her for you." Klaus bargained with Diego but he was having none of it.

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