Chapter 35

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I went back down after my encounter with Leonard. His face was oddly familiar but it maybe just because his face is too common. 

"There you are. We have to go find Vanya and explain." Allison exclaimed when she saw me. She started to walk towards me but Luther stopped her.

"There isn't time. We need to figure out what causes the apocalypse." Luther reasoned out when Allison turned to him.

I walked to Allison and said, "Luther's right. We'll talk to Vanya once we can ensure that we're all safe. She'll understand once we've all calmed down." 

Allison nodded at me and we walked towards the group once more.

Another thing why we have to stop this apocalypse is to make sure that we're all going to be safe. No impending doomsday about to bite our asses off.

"I'm thinking this is about the moon. Right? Dad must've sent me up there for a reason. And I was giving him daily updates on the conditions, I sent field samples." Luther explained, taking the lead once again.

He looks so sure about his idea that he didn't even ask our opinion and just went ahead and threw his  thoughts to us.

I'm thankful that Luther is so enthusiastic in saving the world but he's loyalty to Reginald makes me question his sanity. Sorry, not sorry.

Klaus rubbed his head, a sign that he's tired. Tired of Luther or just tired, who knows. I'm still worried about him.

"The first thing we need to do is find his research." Luther said but Klaus still had something to say.

"Hold on. Hold the phone. We all died fighting this thing the first time around, remember?" Klaus asked Luther who looked surprise.

"Klaus, shockingly, has a point. What gives us a win this time?" Diego spoke up for Klaus who's starting to gag.

I rubbed his back for even just a tiny bit of comfort.

"Five. Last time we didn't have him. We weren't all together. This time we'll have the full force of the Umbrella Academy. That's what we need." Luther answered.

Klaus pushed off the bar and wobbled to sit on the couch with my help. He looks like he's going to be sick.

"And where Five right now? If he's the key part of this mission then he should be here."  I said as I sat down next to Klaus.

"Well, he had a plan to change the timeline. He'll be back soon." Luther replied with confidence.

I wish I'm as cool as a cucumber like him right now because I'm about to shit my pants because of what's happening.

"I'm going after Hazel and Cha-Cha." Diego suddenly stood up straight and started walking away.

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