Chapter 11

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I ended up sleeping in Ben's room for the night. His room just gives me peace and solace. The picture of us is now also inside the drawer where I put the others. I'd rather it be safe than be with me always seems to end up in dangerous situations.

The sunlight that was passing through the sheer curtain was hitting my eyelids, eventually waking me up.

There were birds pleasantly chirping from the distance.

All in all, this morning isn't that bad.

I mean, waking up in Ben's room without any interruptions is a yes for me. Not to mention the tranquility I feel at the moment.

I laid at the bed for a few more minutes until someone knocked on the door.

I got up and opened the door to see Pogo.

"Ms. Aira, there is someone who left this for you a while ago." Pogo informed me gently, handing me a bag.

"Oh, I called a friend of mine yesterday to ask her if she could bring me some clothes. Sorry for not telling you." I apologized after taking bag from him.

He nodded as a response and walked away.

I put the bag on top of the bed and opened it. I pulled out a black high waisted pants and put it on. I didn't bother changing out of Ben's shirt as it's very comfortable.

I snatched Allison's blazer that she lent me and went outside the room.

As I was walking towards the staircase, I heard Pogo talking to someone in the living room.

"... query for you." Pogo said.

"Oh?" I heard Klaus asl, waiting for Pogo's question.

I walked into the area and towards Klaus who was smoking another cigarette wearing only his underwear.

I quickly snatched it from his hands and threw it to the window.

"Hey!" he protested.

"Cigarettes aren't for breakfast." I told him, sitting on the couch that he was leaning on.

Klaus looked at the empty space on my right then to me with a smile on his face.

"Items from your father's office have gone missing. In particular, an ornate box with pearl inlay" Pogo said, holding the head of his walking cane.

I furrowed my brows at the statement.

Klaus has sticky fingers but I don't think he has had any chance to steal something yet. The first time I saw him since I came here was when we bumped into each other and hugged. TI remember that because the embrace was quite uncomfortable because of something sharp hitting my side, like a corner of a box-

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