Chapter 33

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"Three days?" Allison repeated Luther's statement regarding the world's damnation. She passed us our drinks.

Thankfully, she remembered my fondness for chocolate drinks because she gave me a mug full of chocolatey goodness.

"You're an angel from above." I told her as I took the drink from her.

The warmth of the drink immediately gave me a comforting feeling. Even the smell feels like it's giving me the most fantastic hugs I could ever receive from someone. Not unless it's Ben but I just decided to stop myself from getting a wee bit emotional.

It's kind of odd because ever since I've stayed in this house and started to get to know these people again after a long time, there's a weird kind of feeling of comfort. It was really evident yesterday. Those short seconds of jamais vu yesterday gave me a sense of solace within me.

Luther stood up from his seat, making me focus on the topic at hand which is the world ending in three days.

The fact that Luther told the others makes this more of a reality. I never really gave much thought about what Five said to Klaus and I days ago since he did just come from the future and there were mentioned side effects of hallucination or something.

But now? It's gotten quite serious.

"That's what Five said." Luther faced us once more.

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it. Remember, Aira?" Klaus pointed at me.

"Yeah. He just left out the part about how soon." I replied as I took a sip of the heavenly drink in my hand.

"But can we trust him? I mean, I don't know if you've noticed but Five's a little..." Allison made a gesture of someone going cuckoo in the head with a matching whistle.

"Our little psycho." Klaus chuckled at Allison who nodded back with a knowing look.

"Trust me, Al, we've noticed that he has gone derailed, but who knows." I shrugged my shoulders.

I don't want to give them a solid answer just incase they depend they're decision on my words. I definitely don't want that on my shoulders.

"He was pretty convincing." Luther stated.

"He was also obsessing about that eyeball so I guess there is truth in what he said." I said as I nudged Klaus who was nodding off.

"If he wasn't trying to stop the apocalypse from happening, those two lunatics wouldn't be chasing him." Luther added.

"That's why they were after him?" Diego looked at Luther who said yes.

"What did Five even see?" Allison turned to the main speaker of the meeting.

"Yeah, I'm curious too. Why is he so hell bent to save the world?" I seconded Allison's question.

Luther was silent for a second but he was stuttering when he answered.

"Uh... Apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible." Luther tried regaining his composure but silence greeted him after he said that.

"That's good right? We probably managed to take that person down just like our missions when we were kids." I pointedly looked at him for proper answers.

We all looked at him, expecting for more explanation.

"Luther this isn't some kind of fan fiction where you can leave us hanging anytime you want just because you know something like an author." I said because it looks like he wasn't going to say anything else.

"Yeah, sorry. Okay, so here's the plan. Uh we go through Dad's research-" 

Luther went on and on about his plan but we didn't really get the answer we needed.

He probably noticed the commotion we were doing because he looked back at us.

"What actually happened the first time around?" Klaus was sitting up straight and looked genuinely curious.

"Yeah, what are you not telling us? Come on, big boy, spit it out." Diego egged him.

Allison, Diego, Klaus, and I waited for him.

Luther sipped his coffee as he mumbled something quiet and very incomprehensible then sipped his coffee. 

Probably the answer but the way he said it makes it very nerve wracking. Like something bad happened and the more I think about it, it's like Luther's avoiding this very question.

Jokes on him though. All of us were raised to question someone efficiently and I'm sure Luther knows that.

"What was that?" Allison asked him to repeat himself clearly.

Luther cleared his throat. 

I took a long sip from my drink as I waited for him to answer

"I said, uh, we died."

I accidentally spat all of my drink in front of me. Thankfully, Klaus moved away quickly.

"Fucking called it."

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