Chapter 17

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"Play it again." Luther said as I rewound the tape for what might possibly be the hundredth time.

Ever since Luther got here, we've been watching the tape for who knows how long. For the first few times, I expected him to find something but nothing came out of him.

"We've watched it over and over again, Luther. It's the same every time." Allison complained to the man with us.

"I mean.. What is she even doing?" Luther asked us, pointing at Grace on the video.

I shrugged at his question.

"We've been looking at the same video for hours, Luther. We're just as clueless as you are." I sighed, standing up from my seat. I looked out the window to see the sun was already up.

Looks like the sleep that I've wanted so bad won't be available at the moment.

"The tea. Did she poison him?" Luther turned to the monitor to look more closely at the screen.

I scoffed at his allegations.

Luther has become quite unbearable ever since we've got here. First, he accuses one of us, mainly me then at Diego, who turns out to be the one he investigated yesterday, and now he's accusing Mom?

"I don't know." Allison sighed at Luther's question.

"Where did you even find this?" Luther asked Allison and I.

"We were just looking at old footages of us as kids, and Aira saw the tape just sitting there." Allison answered for me as she walked to Luther.

"Yeah, Dad must've started using the security system again. He was getting more and more paranoid. He thought people were out to get him. Well... I guess maybe he was right." Luther stated as he kept on staring at the screen in front of him.

"But Mom? I mean, she's not capable of doing something like that." I turned towards Luther.

Luther just stared at me with an expression that says he agrees with me but there's something indifferent with it. It's like he already set his mind on one answer.

"Is she?" Allison asked me.

"Are you kidding me? Al, she raised us. She was there for us when we were kids. When we were sick. She's not capable of doing something like that." I reasoned to Allison. I didn't try with Luther because he's being hard headed which is starting to piss me off.

"I know, Aira. But you saw the tapes." Allison replied.

I didn't answer.

She's right. The three of us saw the same tape that looks like she has something to do with the old man's death.

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