Chapter 21

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It's been hours since we've had the meeting and Five was still nowhere to be seen.

Outside, the sky already turned dark, meaning it's already in the middle of the night.

I felt my stomach rumble out of hunger and then I remembered I haven't had any food yet besides the one we ate at breakfast and that chocolate chip drink I ordered.

I decided to finally walk out of the room I'm in only to see Diego coming from one of the hallways.

I was about to say a greeting but a foreign sound stopped me.

A sound that I'm familiar with but haven't heard in long time.

The sound of a gun clicking.

Diego and I froze and exchanged a quick glance before looking at the other end of the hallway where Allison and Luther's room were located.

On the other side were two people wearing cartoon-like masks. One has a bigger build than the other.

They were holding a gun that was pointed at us and without any thought, Diego and I ran at the direction away from them but not without trying to defend ourselves.

Diego threw his knives while I produced lightning balls to shoot at them.

It has been a while since I experienced deadly situations like this so I've been very rusty with my aim. Not one of my attacks were able to hit them but some of it did graze the big person. Also add the fact that the hallway was too narrow for Diego and I to run alongside one another and we had to dodge the bullets firing at us.

As we reached the stairs, there was a corner which Diego pulled me into.

"I'll deal with the first one that comes to view, you deal with the other." he whispered at me.

I felt adrenaline coarse through my body and I suddenly remembered the deadlier missions that we encountered as kids.

This is going to be easy.

We heard approaching footsteps and the first one to show was the one with the bigger body. Diego immediately grabbed the gun and twisted it in a way where there was no option for the gunner but to drop it. 

Once the gun hit the floor, I went out to face the other one who was a lot smaller than the other now that I see that up close.

She tried pulling the trigger but I swiftly produced a shield made of dark flames which burned the bullets she fired at me.

"What the fuck?!" the person exclaimed, shocked at the sight.

I would be as well if I was in her position.

I took advantage of her startled appearance and went ahead to call out my trusted lightning bolt but before I could even make the form, I hear Diego yell.

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