Chapter 32

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I woke up with a loud groan because of Allison shaking me. I tried swatting her hands away but she just won't quit.

"What the hell, Al?" I looked at her with the stink eye.

"Family meeting." Allison answered simply with a shrug. 

"Says who?" I questioned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Luther." Allison replied.

I scoffed.

Don't get me wrong, Luther might've saved us from harm when he ushered us hurriedly into his car and to safety but I still have a grudge at him.

When we came back from wherever the hell we were from yesterday, I helped Allison clean up Diego while Luther and Klaus went to their rooms.

After helping Diego into his room, I went to mine, well Ben's, room and before I can even comprehend what happened, I fell on his bed and fast asleep.

"Why the attitude?" Allison poked me on my now healed and less painful shoulder.

"The last time there was a family meeting, Luther was basically kicking me out with his words. Not a really good message to throw out there, you know what I mean?" I sat up on the bed and sat cross legged.

The last family meeting was about Mom and what we're planning on doing with her and Luther made it clear that I was not part of them.

Allison sat on the bed next to me.

"He didn't mean that. We all have our moments where we piss each other off." Allison tried comforting me as she rubbed her hands on my knees. "Besides, I'm sure he's sorry for it."

I just smiled at her lightly for her to drop the subject. I'm not in the mood to talk about things like that.

"We'll wait for you downstairs, okay?" Allison gave me a final tap then exited the room.

I let out a sigh.

I stretched out my upper body and I swear I think I heard multiple bones crack. I must've slept in one position all night. The fatigue must've caught up to me the moment I feel asleep.

My legs were the next ones I stretched out and I was feeling so satisfied to just lay down and stretch.

After a few minutes of laying down and not being able to fall back asleep, I got up to look for a change of clothes.

I took out a black cropped button up and some washed dark jeans along with the necessities of a badly needed bath.

If you've noticed by now, I tend to wear dark clothing unless I'm expected wear another set of colors. Black goes with anything and I don't really have the patience or talent to find different color combinations that would fit me well.

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