Chapter 27

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Diego and I rushed inside.

The interior looks very old but it was obvious that it was very well kept. A bar stood in front of the entrance and I saw Klaus's feathery coat along with the alcohol he was previously holding.

"Diego, look." I pointed at the coat.

He stepped forward for a second and looked around.

"Found him." Diego stated. I followed his line of sight to see Klaus looking at a massive frame full of multiple pictures. Klaus was at the far end of the room and I noticed that the people inside were looking at him weirdly. I would too because why would a young man without any experience of war suddenly enter.

If I'm right about my suspicion then I would feel terribly sorry for Klaus. He was gone for a day for us but he literally experienced fighting in war for almost a year.

Diego and I walked to Klaus, passing by a person who stood up the same time that we came in.

When we were finally near Klaus, Diego made our presence known by grabbing Klaus' shoulder.

Klaus looked at us and I saw his face that has a few tears streaming down his cheeks.

At that moment, I broke for Klaus. I just wanted to hug him and say that everything will be okay and that he doesn't have to be afraid or whatever he's feeling.

"Just go away, please." Klaus sighed. He turned his back on us and wiped his eyes.

"Not until you talk to us." Diego said to him.

"Is that a threat? You threatening me?" Klaus asked, his voice sounding so somber and down.

I was about to reply but someone spoke from behind us.

"Hey, guys." it was the guy we passed by. He's wearing a leather vest that has a patch saying that he's a veteran. "This bar? It's for vets only."

"I am a vet." Klaus replied, not even looking at the guy.

"Really? Where'd you serve?" the guy chuckled mockingly.

"None of your business." Klaus snapped at him, still looking at a picture in the frame.

"You got balls comin' in here and pretending you're one of us." the guy turned serious.

"Oh, I have every right to be here, just like you, asshole." Klaus turned to look at the person talking to him and emphasized on the word 'asshole'. He basically spat the word out to the guy which probably is a wrong move.

We're in a room full of people that are experienced in war so probably combat as well. There's more or less a dozen people here.

Yup, I've already started to do a head count because this is obviously going to end up in a physical fight.

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