Chapter 18

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After breakfast, the three of us went back to the living room. Luther says we have to discuss something about Grace and for the first time since we all got together, I agree with him. But the fact that he acts like he knew that Grace is the old man's murderer is making me so mad.

Luther was pacing back and forth in front of Allison while I just sat at the chair at the fore of the fireplace. 

"Look, I don't like this any more than the both of you do, but she's hiding something." Luther stated. His overall agenda was to look confident and he does but that doesn't mean that he can convince me to agree with his suspicions.

"Hiding? To me, she just sounded confused." Allison said to Luther.

I felt like Allison has the same suspicions but she still has a soft spot for Mom.

"Well, uh... You both saw the tape. Grace knew what she was doing." Luther was trying so hard to persuade us.

"Grace? This morning she was Mom." Allison retorted, her arms crossed across her chest.

"She's a machine, Allison." Luther answered back.

Luther statement made me so irritated.

"Yeah, that took care of us, read to us and cleaned up after us and put us to bed. Might I remind you that if it weren't for Mom, we all would've died of some sickness because we all know that dear old Reginald doesn't give a fuck about our well-being." I spat at Luther.

He didn't even had any chance to talk back at me because Allison started saying something as well.

"And then we left her here, alone, in this house for 13 years. I mean, no wonder she lost her mind. To be away from your kids?" Allison scoffed.

Her statement became a bit too personal for her. It must've been such a big blow for her, to not see Claire.

"Hey, what happened with... Claire? With Patrick? You never told me. Or Aira. I don't even know if you told anyone what went down." Luther said, walking towards Allison.

I internally screamed at Luther being so thoughtless and oblivious. And he even had the nerve to pull my name into this. Is this some kind of side effect when a person goes to the moon?

"Yeah, I don't wanna talk about it." Allison answered plainly, standing up to go to Luther's previous position.

"It's just... when we were kids, we used to sit in here and tell each other everything." Luther voiced out.

I sighed at Luther's attempt of trying to open up Allison.

"Yeah, and then we grew up." Allison stated quite harshly.

See, this is a touchy subject for Allison, that's why I never asked her or brought it up.

I looked at Luther to see him already sitting down at the couch in front of Allison, his head hung low.

I heard Allison sigh,

I debated on whether to leave the room or stay. I don't really want to be a part of something that forces Allison to talk about things that hurts her. 

I was about to stand up and leave because I don't want to be a part of a possible fight between the two people with me but Allison has already started talking.

"Things got ugly between Patrick and me. Now the court says I have to do this mandatory therapy thing before I can have visitation."

"What for?" Luther asked her.

Allison didn't say anything and just avoided contact.

I thought about a few things why Allison needs to do therapy. She's a very sweet person from what I can remember. She can be deadly at times but it only happens when we're on a mission. A bit annoying occasionally because of how often she uses her rumor thin-

No fucking way.

There's no way Allison could do something like that. To her own daughter.

I looked at her with wide eyes. "Al, please tell me you didn't use your power on your daughter." 

She avoided my eyes which gave me the answer I'm looking for.

I scoffed at her in disbelief.

"Its just, there were days where she'd have these epic meltdowns. And no matter what I said, she wouldn't stop. She was three then, and I know that's what three-year-olds are supposed to do." Allison sat down as she tried to explain. Her eyes still not meeting mine or Luther's.

"So I said I would do it that one time. Only it wasn't just that one time. I told myself... any parent with my power would do the same. That it wasn't wrong. I just had an advantage. I mean from the time I was little, I used it to get everything I wanted. With Dad, with my career..." Allison had tears on her eyes as she tried to remember what went wrong with her relationship with her daughter.

"But now I know nothing in my life was real. So I'm starting over. I just didn't think that it would be so hard." she shook her head. There was evident disappointment towards herself and I am too. She knows her powers best, she has used it so many times on enemies and bad guys. She should've known better than to use her powers and manipulate her daughter.

Despite being upset with Allison, I found it nice that she has finally stopped to get her shit together. That just proves that she truly loves Claire so much. It's obvious that she means the world to Allison.

"It'll get easier. Some things just take time." Luther consoled Allison.

"Yeah. And some things just stay broken." Allison croaked out, her voice broke with how much she's trying not too cry.

Stay broken, huh.

I can't argue with that.

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