Chapter 24

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Allison and I decided to just wait near where Vanya's rehearsal were held.

I haven't had any breakfast yet so I went to a shop where they sell waffles. I asked Allison if she wanted one but she said no. She was too distracted looking at a magazine that was displayed on a stall by the sidewalk.

I paid for the food I bought and ate it quietly in a corner.

This was the first time today that I found myself thinking over what happened.

Mom's gone.

I still feel guilty that I went away the second I turned 17. I didn't even say goodbye to her and yes, we might have had a reunion a few days back but it doesn't amount to the times she spent in the academy all alone.

I never got to say sorry.

I've lost two important people in my life.

Ben and Mom.

I can't afford to lose more.

I chewed up the last piece of my waffle and went out to see Allison talking to Vanya.

I crossed the street to reach them, hoping that they've already made amends.

Once I reached them, I immediately threw myself on Vanya.

I never got the chance to ask how she was after the attack.

"Don't you look too excited to see me." Vanya chuckled, rubbing my back softly.

"I was worried." I sighed and let her go from my embrace.

I looked at Vanya and she looked glowing.

If this is Leonard's effect on her then by all means, be together but I just can't shake the feeling that something is off with the guy.

"So, what are you both doing here? I figured that Allison would come here to apologize but with Aira? I mean, the last time you both fetched me, it was about Mom." Vanya looked at the both of us.

At the mention of Mom, my expression turned solemn.

"It's exactly about Mom. We wanted to be the first one to tell you about her." Allison said softly.

"What?" Vanya looked confused.

Allison looked at me, asking silently if she wants me to say it. Thinking about it makes me feel miserable and just want to cry in a corner so I shook my head at her.

"Vanya, she's..." Allison trailed off but still pushed herself to drop the news on Vanya. "She's gone."

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