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I never even wanted to come on this trip.
For the past 5 minutes I've watched Delilah Lyrics shove her phone in the air and wave it around as if she was at cheer practice. I still can't believe I got stuck with her. The popular, pretty, sadistic bitch who rules Westline High. This is what I get for trying to be nice.

My friend, Sofia Green, told me I should come on this trip to some rock in the woods where the popular kids get drunk and hook up. I didn't think she meant with the popular kids. I just came to watch them screw up their lives. I never thought I'd be assisting the captain of the cheer squad in removing a bug from her presence.

She's still wide eyed. Delilah finishes trying to get reception, opens her mouth, but no words come out. Thank god. Looking flustered and angry that someone helped her, she abruptly sits back down, dusts off her legs, and words pour out of her mouth.

"Dont you dare touch me again but thank you for helping me."

Well, that's not something I'd expect to hear from the queen bee herself. She's adjusting her brown hair, the beachy waves fading out as sticks and leaves get stuck in it. So I speak.

"I've been geocaching in this area before. I think I know the way back to the path from here."

As if on queue, Delilah rolls her eyes and curses under her breath. She then smiles brightly and says in a cheery voice:

"Lead on!" And her fake smile dies down to a scolding tsk.

Once we leave the clearing we'd been chilling in, Delilah had complaints and witty comments lined with sarcasm pouring out of her mouth. I'm leading us both, and pushing branches out of my way. It's peaceful in the forest. Just the sound of the trees, birds-

"My feet are kiiillliiinnnggg meeeee! You don't know where the path is, do you nature girl? I can't believe I trusted a witch."

I roll my eyes and push a springy young branch out of my way. As I pass it I pull it back and let go to hear the satisfying woosh. But the woosh is met with a scream of utter terror. I can't help but snicker.

"Calm down princess, I'm pretty sure the tree wasn't trying to kill you. We're almost out." I say, adjusting my hair.

Delilah scoffs in response to my shrewd comment, and as we tramp on through the bush, she mutters prayers under her breath. Soon enough I spot a dirt path, and can't stop myself from running. I was right about which way was out. Suck it Delilah. I just want to get out of here, and back to the party at Make-Out-Rock.


I turn around, because who wouldn't, and see a very miserable and embarrassed Delilah on the forest floor. I insert my comment to embarrass her more.

"Why would you try to run in heels ? You aren't barbie." I stick my hand out to aid her.

She huffs and picks herself up, smacking my hand away. She then proceeds to snap at me.

"Shut up, I know I'm not barbie, you're helping me get back to Liam and that's it. So can it nerd."

I keep laughing at her as we continue walking down the path.

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