Really stupid chapter title

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TW//: Gore <3 (sorry for forgetting this)

A/N: Sorry I've been gone for so long. My life has just been recovering from all the hits it took. I'm a trooper lol

A knock at my door forces me into panic. Do I answer it, or do I ignore it?

I roll out of bed, shuffling my feet and forcing myself to go downstairs. I wipe my face, and try to convince myself I wasn't just crying. I open the door to see the silhouettes of many people standing at my doorstep.

"Fuck you."

A familiar voice tugs at my heartstrings. I pull my glasses down from on top of my head, and the group faces me with distorted and twisted faces, malice and anger weighting down their natural beauty.

"Rex...?" I shake and look at each person who is Infront of me.

"Charlie? Ivy? Sofia? Eddie? What are all of you doing here...?" I feel goosebumps spread across my body.

"To kill you, Delilah."

Charlie hands Rex an axe, and they take it in both hands, a smile spreading slowly across their face. They lift the weapon well above their head, and we all watch in slow motion as the axe falls down swiftly onto me. Once the first blow is administered, after the axe slices the air, it's as if another universe is let into our from the villainous action.

Screams fill the once silent air, and I don't realize until later that they were my own. I grasp at the space around me wildly, begging for someone to grab me and save me. But no one does. They all just watch in twisted horror as an axe strikes me again and again, and I join them. I can't do much else, my screams became wet after the first few.

I feel blood pooling in my life, drowning it, and my eyes become red and begin to sting, so I close them. It's peaceful.

A few hours earlier:

I feel tears slip from my eyes. The shame and betrayal I feel is building in my stomach, like a volcano. Except I won't explode, I'll implode. I roll back and forth in my bed until my sheets are tangled into a web constricting me, holding me down. Ever since I came out, my life ended.

I scroll through the endless headlines, texts, posts, etc. Everyone is either enraged or inspired. My breaths choke and my lungs hurt. I never wanted any of the backlash. People telling me I'm not worthy. People telling me in fake. I thought you could be anyone and anything you wanted to when you grow up, but it turns out even that was a lie. You turn into nobody, and a problem comes from anything.

When I came out, I expected love. Appreciation. Anything. But instead, everyone turned their backs on me. I should have expected it, it's pretty predictable. I go to delete my post, but something stops me. Someone.

I got a comment from an account I've never seen before. "I love you still. Always have, always will. She's just a distraction." Is all it said. And usually, I ignore the "I love you" comments, because I receive them frequently, but this one was different. I do some digging on the account, and find out it's an alt account. And then it clicks.

Rex. This is from Rex. Tears well up in my eyes, and I feel my mouth fill with hot bile. I run to my bathroom and splash my face with water, trying to avoid throwing up. I can't handle confrontation right now, and can't think straight. I screenshot the comment, and post it with the caption "From Rex".

My heart skips a beat and I throw myself to the toilet. I feel tears streaming down my face as I convulse and shake. I wash out my mouth afterwards, sobbing from the pain. My phone screen illuminates the room as comments pour in, my followers confirming the account and even showing me other accounts under Rex's control.

I turn off my phone and take a shower. A cold one. I don't deserve anything good, not even hot water. I don't know why, I just feel like it's right. When I get out, I wrap myself in a towel and dry off. When I open my phone, it's just a bunch of texts from my friends, saying they won't be talking to me ever again.

I smile weakly, my sad emotions being completely drained, nothing left. I slowly walk to my room, leaning on the wall for balance. I put on some pj's, and crawl into bed, tossing and turning until the sheets hold me tight.

A knock at my door forces me to use my brain again.

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