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I'm pissed. I don't know why I'm so rilled up. I shouldn't protect Rex. She's not even my friend. But would a stranger, a girl you only just met, check up on how you were doing? I fumble through my phone and find Liam's number. I call it. The line rings 4 times before he finally picks up.



"Hey babe. Do you need something?"

"I need you to stop being a homophobic ass hat and apologize."

"I- what the hell? Babe what do you mea-"

"Liam stop calling me that."

"Babe what the fuck is going on with you lately? Why are you being so sensitive? God this is just like the time we went to the beach."

"Liam don't even try me right now. And don't bring up your past mistakes and pin it on me. You threatened Rex, and made out with that whore in your range rover!"

"Babe I already told you, my heart it yours-"

"Go to hell asshole. Have fun with your side hoes I'm out."

"What? Babe I-"

I hang up on him. I can't stand his voice anymore. I started thumbing through my phone, blocking him on all my socials, and making it public that I'm single. I don't even care about all the guys that'll hit me up any second now. Without realizing it I've texted Rex.

Hey. I'm officially single, me and that asshole are so done

It's currently around 8 pm on a Sunday. Maybe she's gone to bed. Or maybe she's at friends. Or at her boyfriends. Does she even have a boyfriend? It doesn't hurt to look, right? I'll just go through some of her socials and look for pictures of her and a boy. Or... Is she actually gay? No... Liam was just coming up with weak insults. That's all it was. But then again I don't see any photos of her and a guy-

Oh rough. Are you ok?

I just stare at the message for awhile, not answering. There's a photo of her and a girl kissing on her insta. It was posted a year ago. What do I even say? What if she is gay for me? How do I talk to a gay girl? OMG DOES SHE LIKE ME?!

Can we be friends?

I'm mortified. Why would I ask that? Do I even want to be her friend? I mean she's a loser! She might be funny and witty and kind but she is nowhere near my social level!

Delilah Lyrics, the most popular girl at Westline High, wants to befriend me. Yes we can be friends lol

Shock. I'm absolutely shocked. I'm going to text my friends that she's cool and is officially part of my outer circle.

Hey girlies, so you know Rex Dymond? Well she saved my life the other day. She's cool, and she's my friend. She's also not that nerdy. Love y'all xoxo

I turn off my phone, watching the screen turn black. Today was a whirlwind. I can't believe I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years... And I'm not that sad. I feel shitty, but free. Like my heart was never really his.

I hope my gayness doesn't bother you lol

Not at all! None of my friends are gay, but I don't really think of it as something bad. Welcome to my outer circle btw lol

Aww thanks I didn't know I was so loved

I wish I still was...

I'm sorry about Liam... I know you guys were together for a long time
I should have never told you about what he did

It's fine! I'm glad he's gone.
Want to come over to my house tomorrow night?

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