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I adjust my bag as I walk towards the school. I'm 10 minutes early so I take my time getting in and putting my bag in my locker. The halls are pretty empty, since most people arrive 5 minutes before class starts.

"Heyyyyy Rexxxxx." I jump, since I thought I was alone.

I jump and spin around to see Delilah Infront of me. I put my hand on my chest, because she scared me, and take a second to recuperate. Then my thoughts start sprinting wildly in my brain.

"God Delilah you scared me. What's up?"

She seems to think about my basic greeting for uncomfortably long, then finally speaks .

"Do you have the homework for math? I need it. Pleaseeeeeeee?" She gives me puppy dog eyes.

I pull out my math book and hand it to her. I'm about to ask her how her morning is going when a seriousness sparks in her eyes. She smacks her palm against the locker beside me, pinning me to my locker.

"Will you go out with me?"

I'm without words. I find myself embarrassingly stammering out an answer to her question. I can't find the words to tell her at first, but I find them when I gaze into her deep hazel eyes.  But I can't get them out. My mouth opens but I'm left without sound. Delilah looks at me and starts calling my name, and I still can't give her an answer.

"Remus? Remus! REMUS!"

My door opens, letting my mother pour into my room. I'm late for school. She shakes me awake and I blink deliriously around my room.


I'm never actually late. I tell my mother school starts at 8:30, when it starts at 9 am. In my haste to get ready for the day I slowly forget parts of my dream. I brush my teeth and hair, and shuffle through my cupboards for some breakfast.

I find a half empty box of pop tarts and shove one of those shiny packets into my jacket pocket. I've completely lost grip on the dream. Instead of a vivid memory I wish to be true, it fades like any other dream.

The grass peaks between the slabs of concrete that make up the sidewalk. I'm shoving strawberry pop tarts into my mouth as I walk to school. I rack my brain to remember the dream, leaving me with nothing more than a headache. The only thing I know for sure, I now have a crush. On whom, I wonder.

My thoughts are always left interrupted.

"Heyyyyy Rexxxxx."

I get Déjà vu from her voice alone. Delilah saunters up next to me. She's got her short hair pinned up in a small bun at the top of her head, and is pulling off a preppy look. Why does she look perfect everyday?

"Hey Delilah. How was your morning?"

She stares at me, smirks, and I get nervous. Incredibly nervous. Was my greeting too soon for our new found friendship? She tightens her bun, looks around her as if she's afraid to say something too loudly, and clears her throat.

"Listen pipsqueak. The other night ? I was wasted. Anything I said to you was an accident and if you tell anyone anything about that night, you're dead."

I can feel my face go pale. A shiver slices down my spine. She looks dead serious before cracking a smile and slapping her palm over her gaping mouth. Giggles spill out of her and I'm still stuck in disbelief.

"I'm joking! God you should have seen your face! You're adorable. Anyways, can I have the answers to the science homework? Pretty please?" She gives the the same puppy dog eyes. Man, déjà vu is hitting me hard.

Another smile garnishes her face, but this time I join her. We are almost late and I cannot afford to be "fashionably late" like the popular kids. I've got a seamless attendence and some cute chick I met in the woods isn't going to break it. I hand her my science homework and head to class.

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