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TW: Gore, blood, and grotesque images ahead. This chapter is not for the faint of heart.

I stare at the red trickle as it slides effortlessly across my skin, leaving a stained streaks all over my body. I watch horrified as the trickles grow, creating big red tear drops that slip to the bathroom floor and create a puddle.

A puddle of horrific regret and fear. I try to gently remove my clothing, but everything touching my skin feels like it's ripping off.

I turn on the shower and let the water run warm. I can't bathe in hot water or I fear my remaining skin will peel off. I step into the shower and white-hot pain flashes through my whole body.

I lurch forward and throw up what appears to be blood. I reach for my gentle body wash, and squirt a little onto my loofah. I bite down hard on my bottom lip as I meticulously scrub my back and body.

I'm in tears, the pain is unbearable. It takes me 45 minutes before the water hitting my body runs clear. My feet are stained a permanent dark color, along with my hands.

I step out of the shower and pull out a towel. It's white. I don't care. I tenderly dab at my skin to remove all moisture, and decide to finally face myself in the mirror. My face is broken; I have a black eye, a broken nose, a busted lip, and I haven't stopped coughing up blood.

My back is so bruised, the skin broken and bloody in certain areas. I can't touch my stomach, even just poke it, or I'll hurl again. My left ankle is sprained, so is my right wrist. My feet are sore and my hands are bloody. The bone is showing where my knuckles should be.

I dry of my hair and dig through my cabinets to find gauze and bandages. I need to treat these wounds sooner than later. I mentally prep myself for the rubbing alcohol. It'll only hurt for a second. And it's either infections, or a flash of pain. C'mon. You can do this.

I take a deep breath in and hold it as I dab my wounds with the antibacterial liquid. I choke on my own breath, but keep holding it and dabbing as swiftly as I can, getting it over with quickly. Yay! My back is done ... Bow for the rest of my body ...

I finish cleaning my wounds, then add polysporin to the areas of broken skin. I put bandages onto the bloody spots and start wrapping the gauze around my body. Once I've been officially mummified, I wrap up my ankle and put it into a brace. I do the same with my hand, but treat my knuckles first, the same way I treated my back.

I pull out a needle and thread, and cry a little. It's been so long since I've had to do this. I thought this would never happen again, but I guess I'm just a magnet for this type of thing.

I clean the needle, and attach sutures. I inhale sharply as I push the needle through my forehead, going through once, pulling git tight, twice, pulling it tight, three times, then tightening it and tying a knot. I cut the excess and put a bandage over it. It makes me sick to look at. I leave the bathroom looking like a crime scene, nobody is here to see it other than me.

I hobble my way downstairs to the kitchen, to retrieve an ice pack. I place it on my eye and recoil from the freezing shock my sensitive skin just experienced. I wrap a paper towel around it, making it more comfortable.

I crawl up the stairs and throw towels onto my bed. I put on some underwear and shorts, my chest is too sensitive to put a bra on. Thankfully the bandages support me.

I lay on my back, since every single position hurts. I check my phone for the first time since I got home, and Rex has been blowing it up.


I turn off my phone. I can't believe them. I was only talking to her. Me and Autumn hung out at school to get our project done, and someone told Rex that we were kissing. Since Rex and I had that one night stand, Rex has started talking to Autumn alot. I guess they kissed.

Autumn and I were not together. We were just talking. We were working. And we were almost done when Rex barged in and pushed Autumn away from me, and then started beating me up.

They started using their karate skills on me, broke some of my fucking ribs too. I was screaming and they just had this look in their eyes... Like they didn't even care. Like they couldn't see what they were doing. Fucking blind.

There's a knock at the door. I ignore it, it'll take too much energy to go up and down again. The doorbell rings. Twice. Then the door opens. I can't move so I just pretend I'm dead. Slow my breathing to make me look lifeless. I hear someone go up the stairs, and then I hear my door open.

A gasp splits the silence, and then hurried footsteps around me make my chest swell. Someone touches my hand, then my arm, then my chest. Another hand touches my chest and my intruder moves their hands to my heart, to see if I'm really dead.

"Delilah?" Rex's voice is wavering.

I take in a sharp breath, and accidentally alert Rex that I am infact alive. Their hands move off of my chest and I can't sense their presence, their disturbance in the air around me.

A soft pillow is suddenly forced over me. I'm weak and can't fight back. I feel Rex climb onto the bed and sit on my lower abdomen. I'm too panicked to control my breathing, causing my mouth to fill with bile. I kick my legs and try to throw them off but they just keep readjusting and pushing down on my stomach.

My mouth fills with a metallic taste. I try to breath but Rex keeps smothering me. I feel my lungs fill with my own fluids and I drown.

I wake up gasping for air, covered in sweat and screaming. I take some deep, slow breaths, to calm myself. It was all just a dream. I'm okay.

(Based off a true story sadly)

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