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"I'm sorry I have to go!" I'm biting back tears as I gather my feelings as quickly as I can.

"But-" she starts, but I don't let her finish.

"No Dee... I HAVE to go. Now." Tears start rolling down my cheeks and onto the floor, and I just try to blink through them.

"Wait Rex what's going on-" She's cut off again, but this time it isn't by me. There is a knock at the door, and then the doorbell goes off. Delilah goes to head downstairs, but I grab her wrist and our eyes meet, just for a moment, and I see anger flashing through her eyes.

She pulls her arm away from me and goes downstairs, heading for the door. I stumble down the stairs after her, whilst the doorbell rings again and again. I reach towards her but I'm not quick enough. She unlocks the front door and opens it, and my mother is standing there.

"Where. Is. She." My mother speaks in a tone I know all too well. I retreat backwards so she doesn't see me, but she somehow spots me.

"Remus." Her chilling tone brings tears to my eyes once again.

I wipe them away and try to hide any emotion on my face. I step into view, and she's standing there tall, with that fierce look on her face. Delilah looks confused, but brushes of the strange interaction and makes her first mistake. Talking.

"Hello Rex's mom! My name is Deli-"

"Her name is Remus, and I will be taking my daughter home now."

Delilah's beautiful smile fades quickly into blunt anger.

"Bye Dee." I murmur as I walk past her and out the door. She bunches up her fists and looks like she's about to punch my mom. But she plasters a fake smile on her face, turns to me, and makes her second mistake. Standing between my mom and me.

"You forgot something Remus." I turn back to her and she hands me a little bag.

I've never seen it before, but I'm in enough trouble as it is, so I just play it off and stuff it into my pocket. She looks completely unfazed by the situation, but a tear still rolls down her cheek. She shuts the door and locks it.

I stare at the door whilst every bad emotion runs through me, like I'm being trampled by a stampede of guilt. But my mother takes no time in ruining this moment.

"GET. IN. THE. CAR. NOW." She has that look in her eyes , that terrible look.

Tears start filling my eyes again, but I can't cry Infront of her. Not her. She grabs my wrist, hard, and drags me to the car. She opens the door and pushes me in, and slams the car door.

"Mom please don't be mad I didn't-" I feel my throat burn and the lump I've had all morning reappear.

"Don't speak Remus. You're in enough trouble. I hope you had fun because you're never seeing her again. This display of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated."

She doesn't even look at me. She just looks at the road as she speaks at me. Tears start rolling down my cheeks, and I can't hold them back anymore.

"Do you know how bad of a daughter you are?! Don't cry Remus you are in massive trouble. You ran AWAY FROM HOME. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! ARE WE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!"

Once she starts yelling, I break down, sobbing, biting my arm to try and stop the sobs from annoying her any more than I already have.

I'm terrified out of my mind, but try my best to sit quietly during the whole car ride. My phone buzzes, and I go to check it.

"GIVE THAT TO ME." My mother is glaring at me through her rearview mirror, and I glance at the screen as I hand it to her.

Delilah texted me. My mother takes one look at my phone, scoffs loudly, and then tosses it into the seat next to her. Her face shrivels up, and I pray that whatever Delilah said wasn't compromising.

Once we get home, my mother sends me to my room. She takes my phone, my laptop, my books, and my art supplies. Later that day my father installs a lock on my window. He looks me up and down, and I fear what happens next.

Last time I behaved poorly, my parents punished me horribly. I can't handle that right now. Thankfully his expression softens and he just kisses my forehead.

"This will pass soon. Your mother is furious, and so am I, but you won't be in trouble forever." He looks out my window, his face becoming stern and straight once more.

He heads towards my door to leave. Without looking back at me, he quietly says:

"I hope you had fun last night. And unlike your mother, I want to meet her. Just not yet. One day Remus."

He closes my door behind him, and I just put my face in my hands and cry untill I fall asleep. All I can think of is Delilah's disappointment and how bad of a friend I am for just leaving her... I have to find a way to talk to her... She wasn't mad she just looked... Scared for me... Worried... Like she cared about me...

We did make out last night through so I guess that makes sense. I then remember about the little baggie in my pocket.

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