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Disclaimer: This ep. Takes place on Valentine's day <3 around 4pm ish (ik I'm like 13 days late)

I finally told Rex how I truly feel for them. That I like them. And now I'm walking up to their house with a bouquet and chocolate. I knock on the door and nobody answers. A couple minutes later I hear footsteps approaching the door, and pray it's not Rex's mom. It's Autumn who answers the door.

"Hey!" She says cheerfully, before looking at the flowers in my hands and a puzzled look on her face.

"Where's Rex? Are they home?" I ask, looking inside.

"Yeah they're here... Why do you have flowers?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. She crosses her arms and leans against the doorframe, and looks me up and down.

I feel a blush spread across my cheeks. I clear my throat, but before I get to speak, Rex appears behind Autumn.

"Hey!" Rex waves at me and passes Infront of Autumn so we're face to face.

"What are you doing here?" They ask, noticing the flowers and the box of chocolates.

"I wanted to give you these. I got you your favorites! Daisies, daffodils, orchids, lots of roses, some birdbill dayflowers, cherry blossoms, and I even found some peonies! I think..." I look up at Rex and they're bright red.

I feel a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Just the sight of Rex's flustered face makes me blush slightly. But then I look up. Autumn is staring down at me. She looks like she wants to hit me. We stare at one another for a moment before Rex brings us back to attention.

"Thank you Dee! You're a very nice friend. This means a lot to me!" Rex reaches out and takes the flowers and chocolate from me.

They smile and wave good-bye, before Autumn grabs Rex's arm and pulls them inside, slamming the door in my face. I turn around to walk back home, defeat colored on my face. Why would Autumn be at Rex's house on Valentine's day? Is Rex dating Autumn? Did Rex forget me?

I get a text on my phone. It's from Rex.

Hey thanks again for the flowers and stuff

What was Autumn doing there?

She's an old friend. I'm taking the time to reconnect with her.

Oh okay cool
For a second I thought y'all were dating

I wait for Rex's response, but it never comes. They just leave me on read.

I get home and take off my boots. The house is cold, quiet, lonely. My parents are still out on their business trip. I grab a snack from the fridge and head upstairs. I immediately flop onto my bed and just lay there for awhile, staring at the ceiling.

Hey Bee
The plan didn't work

Oh, you okay?

Autumn was at Rex's house when I went over

Do you know why?
Maybe Autumn just went over to say hi

It's valentine's day
And 5pm
And they're alone in the house

Oh shit

Yeah. This all sucks ass man

I imagine so

Rex has got two girls wrapped around their finger and they don't even realize it

Yeah... Maybe they don't actually like Autumn?

Then what is Rex doing with them?? Maybe it's to get back at me for needing space...

Maybe... Who knows

I turn off my phone and lay in bed for a couple minutes, thinking about what I'll do next. I could A: keep trying to figure out what's really going on, or B: watch a movie to clear my head.

I walk downstairs and make myself some pasta, and then sit on the couch and watch TV untill I'm tired. I check my phone; and there are no texts from anyone. Nobody has texted me. I check the news and see my parents faces on every single article. I stand up and read whilst walking towards my room.

Husband and wife in hospital after fatal car crash spares them

Mr. And Ms. Lyrics in hospital after car crash while on business trip

Lyrics' limo totalled... Will they recover?

I can hardly breathe. My chest feels like it's caving in. I try to sit down, but find that the floor is filing my vision faster than I can think. When I wake up, Rex is sitting over me.

"Delilah?! Delilah I'm so sorry!" They yell, making my ears ring and my head swell.

I try to sit up, but my head feels like it's full of water. Everything feels hazy. I look around the room and realize I'm not in my living room anymore. I'm in a sterile white room in a hospital. I feel uncomfortable goose bumps spread across my body.

I must have passed out in the hallway, because the living room is the last place I remember being. I was checking my phone, and then- memories come flooding back like a tsunami. My head feels heavy and I get a sudden uniform pain throughout my head, like a tuning fork just resonated and the echo is drumming through my skull, bouncing off every wall.

I feel sick. Are my parents alright? What happened? It then occurs to me that Rex is still here with me.

"What happened?" I ask, slurring my words.

"I-I went to your uhm your house to a-apologize and y-you didn't answer the him answer the door! So I-I opened it a-and let m-myself i-in! And you w-were just there on him o-on the floor! Laying there face d-down and I uhm I called 911 and uhm now you're uhm awake so yeah." Rex stares down at the floor, hiding their face.

I reach out and touch their arm, letting them know I'm alright. They look up at me and our eyes meet. Their timid blue eyes beg mine for a sign, and I give them one. I lightly pull on their arm and they sit up from the chair they were seated in. They approach my bed and sit at the edge.

"Are you okay?" I ask them, placing my hand on theirs and holding it in mine.

"I should ask you that." They say, breaking eye contact. I pull their hand over to my heart, and place it on my chest.

"If my heart still beats, then I assure you I am fine." I say, pulling their hand up and placing it on my cheek.

They smile and I feel that everything will be alright. Their smile makes me feel like everything will be okay. I fall asleep with their hand resting on my cheek, and a sense of safety in my heart.

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