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I screamed as Liam giggled and kissed my cheeks, and then put me down infront on him. I kissed him, then asked where him where I could get water. I need a drink after so much walking.

"Babe you need to fix your hair. You've got sticks and twigs in it. It's gross."

Liam giggled innocently and picked them out of my hair. I forced a smile like a good girlfriend. I walked away from him and looked around for my friends. They must have left without me. Giving up, I saunter over to the punch table and pour myself a full cup of some red juice. Seems promising.

After chugging at least half of it I realized it was vodka and cherry Kool-Aid. Vodka on an empty stomach is a great idea. I searched for someone to talk to, but instead saw Liam's hands on some girls waist. He told me I was his.


A voice beside me chirped, and brushed away my thoughts. Her again.

"I saw your friends leave. Mine did too. This party sucks. Want to get lost in the woods again?"

I tried to muffle a laugh. How am I getting along with Rex? She's a loser. An outcast. Yet, somewhat funny and interesting. God this drink must be getting to my head. I can't actually think she's anybody worth my time.

"Come on babe, let's go."

I felt Liam's strong arm wrap around my waist, and as we turned to leave I glimpsed at Rex, who was suddenly very interested in her beat up vans. Liam and I walked out of the party, out of the woods, and up to his Range Rover. I was about to get in the passenger seat when a whiney voice spoke up behind me.

"Can't you stay a little longer?"

I turned to see some brunette chick, who was twirling her hair and pouting at Liam.

"Climb in."

Liam just thoughtlessly invited this whore into his car. She squeezed between me and the car, opened the passenger door, slid in, and closed it. I stepped back as Liam started the car and drove away without his real girlfriend. I headed back to the party. Might as well find someone to hook up with.

I open my eyes to a blurry room. God what happened last night? It wasn't even a crazy night. I hope no one saw me-


Welp, that's my queue. I haven't eaten since I got lost in the woods. And even at that time it'd been at least an hour since I'd had something to eat. I sit up and fumble around my nightstand for my glasses. Putting them on reminds me of the migraine thumping in the back of my brain.

My phone vibrates on my nightstand and I realize I hadn't checked it all night. Sitting on my bead I scroll through the millions of photos I've been tagged in from last night captioned:

Mystery girl seen with popular girl Delilah Lyrics? Who is this chick?

Most of the photos are of me and Rex laughing at the party. But there are some other photos too. Photos of Liam and some girl making out in his Range Rover at a red light. All of them captioned analogous to the others:

Football quarterback, Liam Swan is caught red handed getting it on with some girl!! Will his girlfriend put up with this?

I want to cry and scream but I just don't have the energy. Standing up, I wobble back and forth for a minute. All the memories come flooding back. Which weren't many. Just Liam being a dick and Rex helping me home- REX HELPED ME HOME?! I can't stop myself from letting out a little laugh of disbelief.

"Oh are you awake? Your friend brought you home last night."

My mother is talking to me through my door, and I slowly absorb the information.

"You gave quite the show, puking all night . Thanks for keeping me up. Let's get you some breakfast."

I grudgingly shuffle my feet to my bedroom door, open it, and follow her downstairs. As I walk into the kitchen I notice my hair is haphazardly still in last night's ponytail. Gross. I need a shower.

"Rex dropped me off."

I don't recognize the voice untill it occurs to me that I spoke.

"So what happened to Liam driving you home?"

My mom looks at me while pouring me a glass of water. She pushes it towards me and watches as I take a long sip. I didn't realize I was thirsty. I put down my glass and let myself articulate the words I want to say.

"I think me and Liam are done."

My mom's eyes go wide for a second, but then become soft around the edges. When she speaks again it's in a hush tone.

"Did something happen at the party? I always thought he was such a good boy for my daughter." She says, leaning over the counter.

I pull out my phone and show her the photos. I can't muster the strength to look into my mother's eyes. She takes my phone and I hear her gasp. I sigh and my voice breaks unexpectedly. Hot tears fill my eyes and ebb down my cheeks. I can feel my mother pull me into a tight hug, holding me close and cooing.

"I'm fine, I want to go take a shower please."

I don't know how I managed to calm my quavering voice, but mother loosens her hold and let's me go. She kisses my forehead and hands me my water, before continuing to clean. I clutch my water in one hand, and the railing in my other. Crying is not common for me. Liam cheated on me, I shouldn't be crying over him, right?

I shuffle into my room and lament what just happened. My phone goes off again and I read the text sent to me from Rex.

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