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I wake up in my bed, the early morning sun peaking between my curtains. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and turn to my left to see Rex sleeping soundly, all wrapped up in the blankets. I kiss them gently on the nose and rub their cheek with my hand.

Rex yawns and blinks a few times to wake themselves up. I run my hand through their hair and they just gaze drowsily into my eyes. My god, Rex is beautiful.

"Hey... Do you want to get some breakfast? Are you hungry?" I whisper to them.

Rex closes their eyes and thinks for a moment, before grabbing my arm and curling up around it. They nuzzle into my chest and I feel a blush stir in my cheeks.

"Hey now! We have to get up."

Rex pouts and buries their face in my pillows.

"You know you're so cute when you pout" I say, smirking and tilting up their chin with my hand so I can watch them turn from calm to flustered.

"H-hey! Okay fine we can uhm go get something to um eat." Rex says, sitting up and turning their face away from me.

We head downstairs and I pull 4 eggs out of the fridge, along with some orange juice and veggies. I pour 2 glasses of juice and hand one to Rex.

"I'm good thanks..." They say, looking down at their hands as they pick at their cuticles.

"Drink something please." I say, kind but stern.

Rex takes a couple sips but still seems discouraged. The stove is still heating up so I put on some music and invite them into the kitchen to dance with me. I twirl them in my arms and Rex starts smiling in no time. I kiss them and then twirl them around and pick them up.

Rex screams playfully and starts giggling uncontrollably. It's absolutely adorable. I put them down and kiss them once more before putting some toast into the toaster and pulling out plates.

I crack the eggs into the pan and place the lid on top to lock in the heat and get that perfect sunny side up 😩✨.

Once the eggs are done I butter the toast and invite rex into the living room to eat. I put something on from Netflix and start eating, but after 5 minutes I look over and Rex hasn't touched their eggs yet.

"Hey why won't you eat?" I ask, taking a piece of toast and breaking the yolk on my second egg.

"I'm just not hungry... I'm sorry..." Rex looks conflicted but then picks up their plate and tries to eat. I'm happy they came around and are eating, since cooking for others is one of my ways if showing I care.

After breakfast, Rex has only eaten one egg and half a piece of toast. I guess they aren't a big breakfast person. I pile our plates next to the sink, and try to not get discouraged by all the dishes I have to do. I grab Rex's hand and lead us both upstairs.

"Let's get ready for the day. You can borrow some jeans and a T-shirt of mine, if you'd like." I say to Rex, as I grab a pair of brown corduroy pants and a loose top.

Rex hesitates, but then starts cautiously looking at my assortment of clothes. They're distracted, so I pull off my tank top and change my bra. I turn around to grab my shirt and notice Rex is staring at me, wide eyed, and more red then a tomato. I walk over to them and hold up their chin so they look into my eyes. I pull off their shirt, and now we're both in bras in my room.

Rex looks like their about to explode, but instead they just get this really wide goofy smile and start getting red all over their face.

I lean in, but don't quite kiss them. I whisper "Are you doing alright darling?" before pulling away. Rex looks like their about to faint. I giggle and let go of them.

I put on my shirt and change my pants, and Rex changes a couple minutes later into some black overalls and a white turtleneck. I walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth, do my hair, and put on some makeup. Rex rinses out their mouth, since they have no toothbrush here.

"We're ready for the day!" I say to them, in a bright and cheery voice, to try and get them to lighten up.

Rex just hums in response, and looks down at the floor. I ask what's wrong and they tell me their mom found out they weren't home...

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