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I'm laying in bed, scrolling through Pinterest when I hear something hit my window. I don't see anything, so I just ignore it and continue looking at my phone. Then another thing hits my window. I put my phone down on the bed beside me and go to check out my window.

When I look down I see her. She looks worried. I open my window and whisper yell down to her.

"Hey... What are you doing here??"

She just stares at me for a moment, then speaks.

"I have to talk to you."

I'm conflicted. Why didn't she text that she was coming? Why hasn't she spoken to me in weeks? Where has she been?

"Alright I'm coming up then."

I watch in horror as she begins to climb the side of my house, loose her footing, and then climb into my window and into my room.


She says, catching her breath. I'm speechless. I don't know what to say, what to do, how to react... I just stare at her and we lock eyes. I look down and stare at her shoes.

"Wh-what are you uhm doing uhm here? In my uhm room?"

I cross my arms and get small. I can't get a sentence out and I feel red hot embarrassment flood through my face.

"I had to give you something" she says, before lifting my chin up and forcing me to look at her. She puts one hand on my waist and the one holding my chin moves to my hair, to take down the messy bun I have.

My hair flows down and she tucks a piece behind my ear before pulling me in and kissing me.

At first I'm stunned, but then without thinking my hands move to her hips and I close my eyes. Delilah pulls away, pushing my hair back. Our eyes meet for a moment before she starts giggling. It's contagious. We giggle and look outside to see rain beginning to fall.

Delilah takes my hand in hers and leads me towards the window. I back away from the window. I've never snuck out of the house before, so the excitement is exhilarating. I shove pillows in my bed to make it look like I'm sleeping, and we sneak out the window and walk to Delilah's house. Along the walk we talk about books, Greek mythology, her sneaking out for the first time, all kinds of things.

We get to her house and her parents aren't home, so we go upstairs in her room and she locks the door. We sit on her bed and she holds my face in her hands. She leans in and this time I'm not afraid. I grab her waist and pull her onto me.

She kisses me a couple times before nacking away slightly. She puts her hands on the sides of my face, and says:

"I have the world- no, the universe, in my hands."

She smiles slightly before kissing my nose. I break out into tears and let my face fall into her chest. She sits me back up and she's got a worried expression on her face.

"Rex what's wrong? Rex? I'm sorry Rex... I don't know what I was thinking I'm sorry i-"

I kiss her to make her shut up. She doesn't pull away, but rather hold me closer. I pull away and smile.

"Nothing is wrong!! These are happy tears! I promise."

She smiles slightly before letting out a sigh of relief. I hug her and wipe away my tears. She gets up off the bed and walks towards her dresser. She grabs a speaker and connects her phone, putting on the song 505 by Arctic Monkeys.

"I know you love this song..."

She reaches out to me.

"May I have this dance?"

I get up and take her hand. She puts her hands on my shoulders, and leads mine to her waist. She smiles at me, and then starts to sway, starting slow so I can figure it out. She starts singing the song to me, locking eyes with me and giving me butterflies.

I couldn't think this could get much better. I feel like I'm in love. She makes me so happy, and I didn't even realize it. I feel like I'm dreaming. All of a sudden the entire room starts vibrating, and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I wake up to my phone ringing beside me. I must have fallen asleep.

(JKJK 😭 the last paragraph was a joke)

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