
21 4 8

I keep checking my phone every few minutes, and I keep texting Rex, but still no reply. Maybe they don't want to talk to me, I did use their dead name after all. I didn't even know their full name was Remus Dymond... I thought it was just Rex... I put my phone down and just stare at it, hoping I can make Rex text back with my mind.

My phone buzzes and I almost jump when I go to grab it. I look at the screen but it isn't Rex who texted, it's someone I don't know.


Hi... Who is this?

You know me

Do I know you?

😑 It's Autumn

Okay uhm... What do you want?

I sit behind you in science
We are literally doing a project together

Ok and

Meet me at books n stuff in 20 min so we can work in our project

No thanks.

It's due tomorrow

Fine I'm coming

I dig through my closet to find something to wear. I pick out a brown dress and a turtleneck, and take out my Doc's. I throw on my outfit and freshen up, doing my makeup hurriedly.

I grab my phone and laptop and pop them in a cute leather messenger bag, grab a granola bar, and I'm out the door. I walk over to the place and realize I'm 10 minutes late. Oh well. Once I step into the coffee shop bookstore, I order a latte, and a cinnamon bun.

"Hey! Over here!" I look over to see Autumn waving at me from a small table in the corner of the room.

I put some change in the tip jar and grab my coffee.

"Hey sorry I'm-" I try to explain.

"You're late." She shoots a look at me that says I've made a bad first impression.

"Well I'm here now!" I say, setting my bag down beside my chair.

I sit down across from Autumn and pull out my laptop. We speak very little, only to convey how we want the project to look. We're both working for a bit, but after awhile I notice Autumn isn't contributing as much as she was in the beginning. I look up from my screen and catch her eyes.

Her eyes zip back to her screen and I can't see her face but she looks to be blushing slightly. I brush it off and continue working, but it happens a few more times. I look up, catch her staring, and she quickly looks away. She starts fidgeting with the rips on her jeans, and seems to progressively get restless.

I just try to finish the project, so I can go back home and forget about this girl. She's annoying me with her constant movement. My phone buzzes and I take it out of my bag. It's another girl I don't know.

Is this Delilah?

Yeah why

Rex wanted me to tell you they can't talk to you anymore



I try to push down the crushed feelings and betrayal that are collecting in my throat, forming a lump I can't seem to swallow. Autumn stops moving and closes her laptop, and then closes the lid to mine. I will myself not to cry and give her a grumpy look.

"I'm trying to work." I manage to get out. She just looks at me and sighs.

"You know you can have feelings Ms. Perfect." She says, putting her hand on mine to try and comfort me.

She looks into my eyes and smiles slightly, but I'm not having any of this. I whip my hands away and grab my things, whilst she just sits there quietly watching me leave.

"I'll finish the project at home." I murmur, before turning my back and leaving the shop.

I continue to hold back my tears whilst I'm walking home. I don't resent Rex. I'm worried about them. I have no idea what happened, but it was probably for the best. I should have never kissed them and we both know it.

Once I get home I toss my bad onto the floor and flop onto my bed. I'm about to listen to some music when my phone rings.

"Hey mom. What's up?"

"Hey honey-bunch! It's good to hear your voice. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Why'd you call?"

"Well... Your father and I won't be coming home tomorrow... Our trip unfortunately us going to take a bit longer than expected. We'll be home next month though!"

"Oh... Okay."

"We love you very, very much dear... We will have groceries delivered to you soon and we're depositing 500 dollars so you can go shopping."


"Oh we have to go now... Goodbye honey!"


*Mom hangs up*

I sigh and get my headphones out, to play some music. I turn Conan Gray up to full volume and curl up in a little ball and cry. I shouldn't have gotten with Rex. It wasn't right for me. I'm not a fucking lesbian and I can't believe I kissed them... I'm still getting over Liam! I'm a bad person...

My phone goes off and I don't want to check it. I don't want to even open my eyes. But I do. And I check it. And it's Autumn.

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