Field Trip

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A/N: Hey guys!! Sorry it took me so long to update. I've just been super busy with modelling and production and stuff. I'll try to post more often^^
For context, this chapter takes place on a field trip funded by students that are in Adventure Club (it's a club where students miss a day of school to go on a field trip basically)
Anyways I love you guys!! <33 xoxo

Hey Rex... Can we talk?

About what?

Well... Everything
Everything that's been going on

Sure ig
Can talk later today? Sometime during the field trip

Yeah okay sure
I just want to talk about the stuff that's happening between us and stuff


I set my phone down, and stand in front of my closet. It's around 7:05 am, and I still haven't gotten ready for the day. I grab a pair of Lululemon leggings, and a cute white crop top. I put on a Green Day hoodie and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on makeup. I go for a natural look, since I'll be out in nature or whatever.

Last time I was out in nature, I was lost in the woods with Rex. That stupid party is where we met. Sometimes I wish I just never went. I finish the look and set it with spray. I curl my hair and pull it into a ponytail, applying hairspray and accidentally getting it in my eye.

I grab a small satchel, a brown crossbody type thing, aesthetic and cute, and pack my lunch and some makeup, a phone charger, and a sketchbook and pens. My lunch is a salad and some nuts, and I have a protein shake for breakfast. Before school starts I do a bit of exercise, since I do it daily. Its now 8 am and so I put on my sneakers and a vest, and head out the door.

I have to drive to school, so I get there on time for the field trip. On my ride to school I get a text from Ivy.


Hey hru

I'm a bit stressed but I'm excited to see you

Aww don't be stressed it's gonna be fine


(Spaghetti is a code word Ivy and Delilah have)

Okay, I'm almost at school. Just take a deep breath, okay? I'm coming.

Deep breath has been taken

I'm here one sec I'm coming sit tight

Okay dokey

I get out of the car and thank my chauffeur for driving me. He hums in response, and I grab my bag and shut the car door. I dust myself off and strut into the school and look around for Ivy. I spot her in a corner of the cafeteria, surrounded by her friends. I waltz over and everyone goes silent.

My presence is threatening and my aura is silencing.

"Ivy? Walk with me." I motion her to follow, and she looks up at me coyly and waves to her friends as she follows me away.

We walk to the girls bathroom, and both enter the last stall. Locking the door and piling our bags on the floor, she grabs me and pulls me into a hug. She holds on tightly as I adjust her stature. I flatten her hair and run my hands through it while we stand in a hug. She finally releases me and I force her eyes to meet mine.

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