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Rex is a total bitch. If she was nicer to me we probably could have been friends but she chose to bully me. She also found a path. Is it the path that will lead me to Liam? Probably not. I've been gone for so long, I bet the fbi is already prioritizing my missing persons case. Everyone is probably looking for me-

"When did you meet Liam Swan? And what's it like being his girlfriend? Do you have to beat other girls off him?"

Rex interrupts my thought process. Why is she so full of herself? God for a nerdy little nobody she sure does have a big mouth.

"Freshman year, so 3 years ago."

Since there is no one else to talk to, I might as well make conversation with Rex. After this is over, we'll go our separate ways.

"I met him 2nd period. He saw me and instantly fell in love. We've been together since. And yes, I have to pry off other girls with a wooden stick."

I couldn't help laughing. It was strange, this laugh was like, normal? It felt good to laugh, but my laugh is ugly so I stopped the house from leaving my mouth. It was a dumb joke. Rex chuckled and then her face hardened once more.

"Look, Delilah, I know you hate me. But I have a feeling we'll be stuck with each other for a while. So just untill we get back to our friends, truce?"

Rex raises her hand for me to shake. She's come up with a decent idea. I loath, raise my hand, and shake to it.

"But I don't hate you." I roll my eyes and try using my phone again.

Rex looks dumbfounded. Befuddled. So I put away my phone and break the unnecessary silence.

"Everyone thinks of popular girls as mean, reputation ruining, bitches. It's not always true."

I let out a sigh. Rex still looks completely stunned by this. She's so dumb, she'd probably believes that cats can fly if someone told her they did.

"I always thought being on top of the highschool hierarchy meant you were carefree."

How could Rex be so clueless? I understand she's a nobody, but does she really not understand?

"Nobody really listens to the message in cheesy 90's highschool movies. But they got it right. Being popular sucks sometimes. But it comes with it's benefits."

Rex only nods and cracks a little smile. I return it, but only as she looks forward. Music is playing. We both look at each other, look forward, and start sprinting. We scream at the top of our lungs:


As we approach the party we both grow massive smiles on our faces. We're walking towards the party, laughing at how stupid us getting lost was, when suddenly someone picks me up.

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