Late night

60 4 2

I'm so bored... Wbu

Same tbh. Thanks again for being there for me today

It's no biggie. I like spending time with you :)

That's kinda gay 👀

Yeah lol woops

R u gay or something? Sorry if that's a personal question

Naw it's okay... I'm pan

Well I accept you

Tyty... Are you?


Are you gay? Or lesbian? Or anything else?

TheDelilahLyrics is typing ...

"Remus go to bed it's way too late to still be up!" Mom shouts at me from the doorway and turns of my bedroom light.

"Mkay." I mutter. I hate when she uses my dead name. I put on my PJs and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

What if Delilah doesn't like you? What if she's transphobic? No don't think that she's your friend... And she said she accepts you! But what if she hates you for what you are? She said she's accepting idiot stop having a fight with yourself over this. Will she accept me after she cried over Liam...? Legit why would that matter you-

I splash my face with water to get rid of my racing thoughts. I dry off my face and walk back to my bedroom, closing my bedroom door behind me. My phone goes off again and Delilah's name is written across the screen.

I'm not sure what I am rn...

I just got out of a long relationship so I think I just need time before thinking about relationships again.

Why do you ask ?

Omg it started raining out the rain is so pretty

Just like u <3

I stare at the texts and feel a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Hey uhm Dee, where do you live? We should hang out tomorrow if you're free

Omg yes that would be so fun! Here I live at _____. See you at like... 12?

Okay!! That sounds amazing.

*12-34 pm*

So have you ever dated a girl?

I put my phone down on my nightstand and try to fall asleep, but I can't stop thinking about whatever Delilah's response might be. I can feel my eyelids closing and I can't stay awake, so I drift off to sleep.

It's about 2 am when I wake up to a text from Sofia.

Hey so are you and Delilah Lyrics like... Friends?

Yeah we are why

Cool cool... Just wondering
You know she broke up with Liam, right ?
Eddie told me

Yeah she did
I'm tired let me sleep pls

Fine whatever 🙄
Goodnight sleeping beauty

I out my phone down and try to fall back asleep, but can't stop thinking about how Delilah hasn't texted bacm. It must've been a mistake. All of this must have been a mistake. 

I put my phone back and lay down on my back. I toss and turn in bed, trying to fall back asleep. After a while I just sit there and stare up at my ceiling.

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