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TW//: Self harm, rape, unethical behavior <:( (lol)

A/N: idk how much more of this shit I can take...

Ever since I broke up with Delilah, I've felt a mixture of guilt and hatred. I never did anything wrong, and Delilah is spreading rumors about me, saying I cheated on her and used her. It's so untrue, and I'm so angry that she'd say such things that I go and start my own rumors.

My rumors have to be more extreme and insane tho... Outdo that bitches rumors...

I finally come up with exactly what I want to lie about. I text my friends, making sure they know exactly what I'm going to do. I smile as I text people, the feeling of victimizing myself and power fueling my fingers to continue telling everyone I know.

When Delilah finds out about this rumor, which is actually not a rumor at all, she'll be so ashamed, maybe she'll kill herself. Then I'll be rid of any evidence that I ever attempted to rape her, or that I cheated on her.

I let out a little laugh, and without a second thought I text everyone the same thing: "Delilah forced 2 people to cut themselves". Immediately I receive texts of surprise, disgust, and disbelief. I find it hard to breathe as people mention what I may have done wrong.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door and before I get the chance to check who it is, Charlie let's herself in. That's my old friend, and new girlfriend.

"Hey baby! What's up?" She chirps, her positive tone quickly subsiding when she sees me.

"Delilah is-" she cuts me off mid-sentance.

"Why do you always talk about your ex? We've been together give or take 10 months now, and you said you were over her!" Charlie makes me wince at the timeline of my actions.

"Nothing, sorry..." I mutter, stretching my arms out wide as an invite to cuddle.

Charlie takes it, and hugs me tight, laying down beside me to allow me to lay on top of her.

"I'm just gonna scroll through insta while you lay on me, okay?" She says, pulling out her phone.

"Mkay." I murmer, allowing myself to melt into her chest.

I listen to her rhythmic breathing, her heartbeat acting as a grounding sound. It soothes me into my mind, and I get lost in my thoughts. I imagine me and Charlie having a picnic, with little sandwiches and the beach beside us. I turn to look at her and see Delilah.

"Oh look. Louis came out." Charlie says, breaking my focus.

"Who?" I bring my head up to rest my chin on her collarbone, watching her eyes flick over her phone screen.

"Delilah." She says, fixated on her phone.

"...what." I repeat, at a loss of words.

"Small town idol, Delilah Lyrics, comes out on his Instagram as Louis Lyrics, and his story inspires millions of young teens around the world." Charlie says, quoting the news headline.

I roll off her and stare at the ceiling in disbelief.

"He was a female model, but didn't feel right in his body. His Instagram post states: 'as I was formerly a female model, I will continue to model female clothing. But don't let that confuse you of who I am, I can choose to where what I want, regardless of my new identity.' Louis says." Charlie turns her phone around for me to read.

"So he's asexual now too." She says, rolling her eyes.

"Wow..." I say, still at a loss for words, but I find them.

"What a fake." I say.

"Yeah... What a faker..." She mutters, agreeing half-heartedly with me.

Charlie closes her eyes and snuggles into my shoulder. I sigh, but continue to scroll through the news headlines. I open Instagram, and realize I'm still using Charlie's phone. I turn it off and grab my own, the screen illuminating with a handful of texts from my friends.

I ignore them, and go straight to checking Delilah's Instagram. I see the post, and watch as it gains hundreds of likes. An emotion builds up in my stomach, one I've never felt before. It's like pressure building up and causing my heart to beat faster.

An imagine flashes in my mind of me smashing Delilah's head open. I shake myself out of it, pure shock draining my face of any color. I am horrified with myself, yet allow my mind to wander back to that image.

"Baby? You're hurting me..." Charlie's voice grounds me, and forces me to realize I'm squeezing her arm tightly.

"Oh! Sorry! I just got lost in thought..." I fake a smile and push the thoughts away.

"Is this about Louis?" She asks.

"Don't call her that." I spit out.

"But... Why?" She asks cautiously.

"Because Delilah fucking deadnamed me multiple times and is a horrible person who doesn't deserve acceptance or respect!" I feel anger rising inside me, bubbling up like a volcano.

"Oh... But you said he apologized and learned from his mistakes...?" She asks quietly.

"No. Delilah is a horrible person, and even if she's learned from her mistakes, even if she changed, I will always hate her." I say Delilah's name as if it was a curse.

"Oh... Okay..." Charlie gets out of bed and smiles coyly.

"I think it's about time I head out... It's getting late, ya know?" She points her thumb towards my bedroom door, and waves goodbye.

A/N: hey guys!! I can't post as often, unfortunately, because of personal stuff going on. So enjoy this short chapter, and hopefully I'll be back soon...

Also, for anyone wondering, this is a work of fiction. More specifically, real events in my life turned into story related plot points. Real events told from my perspective in a FICTIONAL SENSE. Please do not quote my stories and use them as "evidence" that these events actually transpired in real life. This is a wattpad story.

Anyways, I love you guys!!! <3 Each and every one of you!! <3333

Take care of yourselves, and be sure to check out my other stories too if you get a chance!! Have a great day/afternoon/night!!

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