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"-and this is my room. I think that finishes the tour." I pat on the bed, motioning for Delilah to sit down.

She looks around for a second before sitting down and pulling out her phone to check the time. I just watch her eyes as she scrolls through her phone .

"I have to be home by 10." she says, putting down her phone.

"Soo... What do you want to do?" I ask quietly.

She looks around the room before getting up and looking at the books in my bookshelf. She runs her fingertips along the spines and stops when she reaches my Percy Jackson collection. She pulls them out one at a time to read the titles, and puts them back in their place before turning to me.

"What's Percy Jackson?" She asks blankly.

"P-percy Jackson is the best! It-it-its amazing how do you not k-know about it?" I pretty much choke on my words when I try to get them out.

"Haha. Stutter." she smirks and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.

I blush slightly at her remark about my stutter. I can't control it and it's so embarrassing when it happens.

Delilah turns and our eyes meet. Her gaze makes my slight blush increase to a full blush. I bow my head to try and hide it, and will myself to snap out of this stupid crush phase I'm going through. She walks over to me and lifts up my chin with her hand.

Our eyes meet and she hesitates before taking out my bun and letting my hair fall down below my shoulders. She pushes a strand behind my ear and my mouth starts moving without me wanting it to.

"W-what are you uhm doing?" I scream internally that I just said that.

"Well... You look prettier with your hair down! And keep your chin up, you've got a pretty face and people should be able to see it." Delilah says it so innocently that I tell myself that the feelings I'm getting aren't being reciprocated.

She moves away from me and starts picking up my paintings and looking at them. She pulls out her phone and takes a picture and I freak out and run over to take the painting. She looks confused and says she only wanted a picture so she could look at it again.

The painting she photographed was the acrylic painting i made of her. I place in face down and start sweating that she's going to think I'm a stalker or something.

"Your art is really nice you know... I used to draw but I stopped a while ago when I had more important things to focus on. Also you made me look stunning." She stares blankly at my wall and then sits back down on my bed and stares at her phone.

I sit next to her and ask if she's okay. She looks at me and turns off her phone.

"I used to be like you. A nobody. Unpopular. No offense." Ouch. She bites her cheek and looks back down at her phone.

I stare at her in disbelief and suddenly my hand starts moving and I watch in horror and I lean in to hug her. She hugs me back and starts crying.

"Delilah i-i don't know what to do i didn't mean to i don't- Ahhh!" I'm frustrated by my lack of words, but Delilah just hugs me tighter.

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