Every end is a beginning

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Dear diary,
I've been in the hospital for a couple weeks now. I thought I wouldn't be back here for awhile since my last visit but I suppose I was wrong. They performed my facial reconstruction surgery a few days ago. I wasn't able to write for awhile because I couldn't see very well. They say it went well but I'm not so sure. Mother and father visited me and were horrified that this happened. That they weren't there to protect me. They say life will be much different after this. Mother said my modeling career is over, which makes me really upset. Everyone keeps telling me I'm lucky to even be alive. But if I'm not beautiful, what's the point?

"Hey honey!" A voice chirped from the doorway.

"Hey." I smiled, but it hurt to so it only lasted a couple seconds.

"How are you doing?" My mother asked, approaching the bed.

"I'm bored. I want to do something. I want to get out of here." I said, sitting upwards to talk to her better.

"I know. I can bring you more board games if you'd like?" She said, her gaze softening. "I'm sorry this happened honey."

"It's not your fault." I muttered, and she closed her eyes and sighed.

"I love you very much Dee. Do you want me to ask your friends if they want to visit you again?" She pulled a chair from the side of the room over to beside my bed.

"No it's fine. I just want my phone." I knew the answer would be no, but like a child wants a puppy I repeatedly asked.

"No honey. With all the headlines and court drama- I just don't want you to be seeing that yet. I'm just trying to keep you safe." Her gaze hardened and she stood up from her chair to leave.

"You're going already?" I asked stupidly.

"Yes honey I'm still very busy. I'm sorry. I'll get your dad to visit you later, okay?" She smiled, kissed me on the forehead, and left.

There was absolutely nothing to do. I was so bored. I would just sit in this bed for hours, waiting for something. Anything. There are some good things though. Like Denise. I pushed the call button and a nurse entered the room.

"Can I please see Denise?" I asked in a fake hurt voice.

"Yes of course Miss Lyrics." She scurried off to fetch my favourite nurse.

I waited patiently, listening to the beeps and noises of the machines around me. It was growing annoying. I lay back down in my bed and allow myself to sink into the bed.

"Hello Miss Lyrics. How can I help you?" Denise's voice said softly, a smile growing on her face as she shut the door behind her.

"Oh I'd just like some tea please. Extra hot if possible." I said, smiling. She took the seat where my mother was previously.

"Okay so you know Dr. Griffin? Apparently he cheated on his wife with nurse ANGELA!" I sat upright and gasped.

"But what about his wife Lois?? What about the kids? Does she know?" I writhed in excitement.

"YEAH SHE FOUND OUT!!!" The nurse squealed.

"SHUT UP!!" I flailed my arms and covered my mouth in shock.

"Yep. Pretty wild shit." She said, breaking out in laughter with me.

"And my case?" I asked.

"I can't disclose any information about that to you... Your parents told the hospital not to." She bit the inside of her cheek and sighed.

"I can't believe my favourite nurse is going to keep me in the dark." I closed my eyes, crossed my arms, and pouted.

"It could cost me my job... You know your parents don't go easy on others..." She continued to try and make excuses.

"Pleeeaaaasssseeeeeee?" I begged.

"Not a word about this to anyone else though. Please." She said, sighing.

"Yay!" I said, astounded that she caved so easily.

"The person who did this to you isn't going to juvy. They're going to an asylum. They proved in court that they simply are not in their right mind and simply cannot be apart of society anymore." She got up and turned to leave, turning around briefly to smile again.

"Thank you!" I said loudly, and she gave me a thumbs up before opening my door and leaving the room.

It turns out my crazy ex is so crazy, they're going to be locked away forever. That's justice, of some sort. My friends who were witnesses no longer speak to me. They said they need space. I find it funny since they are totally accomplices but whatever.

I put the cap back on my pink pen, and use it as a bookmark, while I prepare to talk to a doctor. They need to check on my stitches and such. The hospital is boring, but time is going by quickly, which is nice. I haven't been able to brush my teeth properly and it's DISGUSTING. A redheaded doctor enters my room to talk to me.

"Hello Miss Lyrics! How are you doing?" He asked quickly.

"Good-" I began.

"That's great! Now please sit up and sit still while I check on your stitches. Don't move!" He washed his hands and put on some gloves.

He started moving my head slowly, as he inspected my stitches. He gently touched my nose, and my felt around for my cheekbones. He then took out a light and started doing some normal doctor tests. I zoned out for the majority of this, as it was incredibly boring.

"All done! Everything looks good! Should be healed in a couple weeks time. Is it itchy? I'll get the nurse to bring you some cream! Thank you, goodbye!" He spoke quickly and packed his stuff, leaving the room like I was the plague.

"Okay- uh... thanks." I chewed on the inside of my cheek, and pulled back out my diary.

My time in the hospital is already halfway through. I'm so glad the staff worked so hard to make me comfy and get myself checked out quickly and efficiently. This whole experience has been a learning opportunity of sorts. My mind has been clouded with theories and anger and pain, but the thing that kept me going was my positive mindset. No matter what happens, you just have to take it head on, and keep going. Don't have hope for tomorrow or regrets of yesterday. Everyday is just another day, and if you keep going, soon enough you'll be out of it. Out of whatever you're dealing with. I've learned alot from the people I've met, and learned that not everything is my fault. I lived, and people just didn't like it. They quite literally tried to kill me, but I am still here, taking each day for what it is. Signing off, Dee.

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