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I've spent the past 2 days in my room, sulking. I don't want to face my mother's wrath, even if it has died down significantly. But I do want my phone back. And the only way to get it back, is to talk to them.

So I haul my ass out of bed, and shuffle my way downstairs. My parents are sitting around the dinning room table, and my sister's and nowhere to be found.

"Hey Remus. Hungry?" My father asks, a timid smile painted on his face.

"No thanks... I'm not hungry." I mumble, sitting down at the table next to them.

My dad and I both look at each other, then at my mother. Neither of us know what to say to her. She's reading a book, and pretending I didn't sit down with them at the table.

"Hey mom? When can I have my phone back?" I mumble the last part because she's still ignoring me.

She waits a moment, then lowers her book. Her icy stern eyes pierce into me, and I start squirming. She looks me up and down, pushes her glasses up her nose, and goes back to reading her book.

"Your friend hasn't stoped trying to contact you Remus. You may have back your telephone BUT not because you're no longer in trouble, because she is annoying us." She continues reading silently, and I suddenly feel the urge to speak.

"Uhm i- uhm thank you." I clear my throat, trying to control my stutter.

"You are dismissed." She doesn't even look up at me.

I get up and grab my phone off the kitchen counter, and hurry up the stairs before my mother changes her mind. My phone is dead so I have to plug it in, and I impatiently wait untill it reaches 5% and turn it on.

34 unread messages and 3 missed calls. But all of them were on the day I lost my phone. None of them were sent after that day . All of them are from Delilah.

Hey what happened??
Why did you mom call you Remus?
Is that your real name??
Why was she so mad?
Does she hate me now?
(I'm not writing 34 msg so just imagine this is what all the other messages are like.)

I stare at the screen, taking my time to read each message. I don't know what to say and I'm afraid anything I say will hurt her more so I just leave her on read. The very last message makes my eyes sting and my throat hurt.

I know you don't want to talk to me. Sofia told me. I should have never kissed you, it was all too fast for me.
Bye Rex.

My hands start shaking and I almost drop my phone. My eyes well up with tears and the lump in my throat grows, making me feel like I'm going to throw up. The tears start streaming down my cheeks as I read the text over and over and over again, pleading that my eyes deceive me and that Delilah didn't say that.

Do you hate me now?

I cover my mouth with my hand as I breath in sharply, trying to fight the tears to stop hydrating my cheeks. I should have never taken my phone back, if I hadn't, I wouldn't be brokenhearted right now.

But I understand. She needs time after Liam broke up with her. He cheated on her and was a shitty person towards everyone, including her. She obviously just needs time away from me. Away from relationships. Away from it all. I then realize I've been so lost in my thoughts, that I didn't even realize Delilah texted back.

I don't hate you. But I don't love you either.

I understand
I'm sorry

It makes sense now. I made a mistake. I confused her into thinking she wanted someone like me, when she obviously doesn't. She must be so overwhelmed with the breakup that she thought kissing me was a good idea! That must be it...

Thank you for understanding. You're a good friend Rex.

Anytime Dee.

I turn off my phone and lay down in bed for awhile. I can't believe I did something like that. I feel like shit for hurting her, but I don't regret what happened between us.

It felt good. It felt amazing to kiss her and nothing can change my mind about it. We may have spent only one night together, but I felt more alive then, than I ever have with others. She made me feel special again. Made me feel l right. And I wish she thought the same.

I'm sorry for kissing you
I don't know what I was thinking

It's okay
I wasn't thinking either

I was thinking, I just wasn't thinking straight

Were you thinking... Gay? 💅✨

Lol. I don't know. I'm not gay but kissing you felt... Idk it felt like something in me woke up again, ykwim?

Yeah I think I do

Don't tell anyone about the other night please
I'm not ready to face what happened

Yeah ofc I won't tell anyone

Okay thanks... But no more breaking into each other's house to makeout in the middle of the night ok?

Darn it... I'd better cancel my plans for tonight

Gn Rex

Night Dee <3

It's fine
Gn Rex <3

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