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It's been 3 weeks since I last spoke to Rex. She keep trying to contact me but I just don't want to talk to her.

I don't know why I'm like this. She only asked a simple question and I couldn't answer. I got too afraid and just left. I don't know what she's thinking of me but I feel bad... I miss her and I miss talking to her. 3 weeks has felt too long, but I'm afraid of talking to her.

What if she hates me ? What if she doesn't want anything to do with me ? I don't think know what to do and I'm scared if losing her ... My phone buzzes and I pull it out , despite being in the middle of class .

Hey are you and Rex okay ? I thought y'all were friends

Yeah we're okay

Don't lie to me Dee .

I just left her on read after that . I don't want to get upset over Rex again . It's not worth it since she'll hate me soon . She probably already does .

"Hey ."

I leave my thoughts for a moment to look around for the source of the voice . Someone pokes my back . I turn around to see Liam looking at me , and he smiles when he sees he got my attention .

"What do you want ." I say cooly , trying not to show any emotion .

"To talk ."

"No thanks Liam . We're done ."

"That isn't talking Dee-"

"Don't call me that ."

"You sure you won't talk to me ?"

"I'm positive Liam . Fuck off ."

"Hum . Fine ."

After I reject him , he rips a little piece of paper out of his binder and scribbles something on it . He slides me a the little note and the bell rings . He stands up and winks at me as he walks past my desk and out of the class .

I stare at the folded up piece of paper as I walk towards my locker . I balance my books in one hand and unlock my locker with my other . My only thought , Liam . Is . Insane . Dumping my books in my locker I unfold the note and it reads :

I really hope you and that girl aren't dating or anything , because I'm going to take you back . You deserve a life with me .

I fold the paper back up and place it in the top shelf of my locker . I don't know what to think . Alot has been going through my head lately and the last thing I need is this .

Throughout the day I keep thinking of the words in the note . You and that girl . I can't help but think about Rex again . And this k about what Rex asked . I made a huge mistake for sure , and now I feel stupid for ignoring her . I brush away my thoughts and walk to class .

The last bell rings and I gather my things to leave for the day . I get on my bus and once I get home I make myself a snack and think about what I have to do . I have to make this right somehow .

To help myself think clearer , I go take a nice relaxing hot shower . I get out and mom calls me for dinner . I eat , clean up , then go up to my bedroom . As I change into pajamas I open up my texts and look for Rex's name . I sit there and stare at the message Rex sent me .

Am I gay ? Queer ? Something other than straight ? Am I more than I let myself be ? If anybody would know it would be Rex ... Speaking of Rex ... Do I have feelings for her ? I can't possibly think of her as anything other than a friend ... It would be wrong ... Right ?

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