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I arrive to first period a bit late, but the teachers like me and I don't get much more than a slap on the wrist. Liam tries to get my attention from across the room. It's been a day since the breakup and he's already lost without me. I just fake a smile and try to keep everything under control. The girl from the party, the one who went home with Liam, walks in later than me. She whispers something to Liam as she walks to her seat.

She sits a few spaces behind Liam, and since I sit near the back, and I can see her at all times. She knows this, and flips her head around to give me a dirty look. She's nowhere near descrete with her gesture and most of the class sees. This is going to be a super fun day.

I'm skipping the last period of school, which happens to be gym. I'm not letting some Middle-aged man tell me to do 20 push-ups. I could break a nail, and I just got them done this morning. I'm going home to redo my makeup, then going to Rex's house to find out what she wants.

I'm picking out my outfit when my phone buzzes. Rex texts me the address and when to come. I kill time untill I can go over. I'm laying on my bed with the silence being my only friend when:


My cat must have woken up. He likes to sleep under my bed. I drop my hand to the side of my bed, the tips of my fingers reaching down past my bedframe. This is one of the only ways I can alert him that I'm there in the room with him.

I hear him let out a meow, with a growing purr underneath. Like a storm, you hear the rolling thunder masked by the clouds from far away, but it faintly grows louder.

The time to leave comes, and I figure it's best to be early. I give my cat a pat on the head and he follows me as I get up and head downstairs. I put on some sneakers and a denim jacket. My dad drops me off infront of Rex's house.

"You call me if there's anything."

I roll my eyes when I see his eyes scan the exterior of the house. It's as if he's preparing for something unexpected to happen. I kiss him on the cheek and climb out of the car. Walking towards the house, I didn't know what to expect. I plaster a smile on my face and suppress my thoughts.

I ring the doorbell and watch through the glazing as someone scrambles around the entrance to let me in. It takes me a moment but I realize exactly who it is. No one else could have the same curly blond hair pinned up in a bun, bobbing up and down. The door opens and Rex just stands there, a big smile on her face. A big dorky smile that is extremely contagious.

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