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"hey." A familiar voice says behind me, and I feel my spine prickle.

"Charlie?" I say hesitantly, as I turn around to see her standing there.

"Yes Remus. I'm back." She says, a twinge of danger in her voice.

A sudden jolt in my legs forces me to start running. I don't stop, feeling her approaching rapidly behind me. My breath quickens, my heartbeat speeding up and suddenly halting.

I fall to my knees, feeling a straining feeling in my head, and in my lungs. I grip my chest, but can't find my heart. There's a hole where it's meant to be. I feel water drip from my lips, and wiping it away with my hand I discover it's blood.

"I finally found you... REMUS!"

I shoot up in my bed, sitting straight as a board. Waking up in a cold sweat, huffing and panting loudly, it was only a nightmare, yet it felt so real. I get out of bed and get ready for school.

"Hey babe!" A voice chirps beside me.

I turn to see my girlfriend, Delilah, standing beside my locker with a bouquet of birdbill day flowers (and an assortment of other flowers), and chocolates.

"Happy 6 months baby!" She smiles widely, and realization dawns on me, my expression of pure dread ruining hers.

"You forgot." She said, quietly.

"No! I brought you something!" I shuffle through my bag quickly, searching for anything that could be a gift.

"Oh no!! I left it at home!! I'm sorry baby I promise I'll bring it tomorrow!!" I plaster a worried expression on my face, hoping it'll fool her.

She fades, but through glossy eyes she fakes a smile and shows sympathy. I feel a twinge of regret prickle my face. Hot shame fills my eyes, but I manage to blink it away. I kiss her cheek and smile, trying to brighten the mood.

"These are... My favorites :) . Thank you Dee!" I take the flowers into my hands, along with the chocolates, and I wrap my arms around her.

"No problem!" She smiled, and I can no longer tell whether it's shining true or false.

"I love you." I say, letting the words roll off my tongue in a way that I know will excite Delilah.

"Love you too." She says, looking away.

We hold hands and walk to class, people around us saying aww. The school has practically fallen in love with both Delilah and I. Even more so, us as a couple.

After school is out, Dee and I get ready to leave, waiting for each other at the other's locker. Delilah zips her bag shut and pulls it onto her shoulders. We walk to my locker, and I take a couple minutes to get my things sorted. I pull my bag out of my locker and crouch down to fill it with my books.

"I love you." Dee's voice startles me, her words uncalled for.

"Aww... I love you too!" I smirk and stand up to kiss her, bringing my hands to her waist, but my hold doesn't keep her from pulling away after a moment.

"We should hurry." Delilah says.

I lean forward, my lips searching for another kiss, but our lips never touch. I fall back onto my heels, pouting, holding Dee by her waist. She smirks, looking away with a slight blush on her face.

I pick up my bag and swing it onto my shoulder, catching my curls in the motion. I let out a yelp, and feel soft hands gently pull my wedged hair free. I turn to face Dee, smiling, and take her hand in mine as we walk to the busses.

My hand is sweaty, and I know Delilah notices. I try to ignore it, but fail. Delilah pulls her hand away from mine and wipes it off, then wipes my hand off, and I feel hot shame fill my eyes. But this feeling disappears when she pulls my hand up to her face, kisses it, and intertwines her fingers in mine.

I blush profusely, and she notices. She smirks at me and kisses me lightly, before breaking away from me and walking to her bus. In a spurt of intrusive thought, I grab her wrist and tug her backwards, the motion causing her to fall on top of me, pinning me to a wall conveniently placed behind us.

"Well well well." She says, a sly look on her face and lust in her eyes.

She lifts my chin, and kisses me slowly. I move my hand to her waist, lightly squeezing the side of her stomach. She exhales deeply, pulling her lips away for a moment to move her hand from my chin to my neck.

She smiles mischievously and bites her lip, backing away and getting onto her bus. I'm reduced to a puddle of lovesickness, her touch making me melt. She knew what her actions did to me, leaving me excited but never doing more.

I slowly gather myself, so I can walk down to my bus before it leaves. When I get on, I struggle to find an empty seat, but finally find one. I pull out my airpods and engulf my mind in music.

Hey! Was everything I did okay?

Oh it was more than okay

So you'd be okay with me doing it again?

Oh yes
Please do


I turn off my phone and let Cavetown fill my ears. Delilah always manages to make me extremely happy, and nothing will ever change that.

When I get off the bus, I still have a dopey smile on my face, reliving the moment Delilah bit her lip over and over in my mind. When I approach my door, someone is standing there.

Her light brown hair whips around and falls swiftly back in place, her emerald eyes scan over me, sucking out my insecurities. I feel a hot wave pass over me as I stare in awe at the girl I haven't seen in years.

"Hello Charlie." I say.

"Hello Remus." Her sing-song voice makes me feel things I hadn't felt since the day we were separated, back in 6th grade.

"Can I come in?" She asks, opening the door for me.

"Uh-uhm y-yeah sure..." I trail off, and as I walk through the doorway I feel her arm wrap around my waist tightly, gripping the side in a way I can't describe.

I feel flustered and want to tell her to stop, that I have a girlfriend, but I don't. Because Delilah is nice, pretty, smart, perfect almost, but I'm bored. So I decide to drop my bag on the floor and invite Charlie up yo my bedroom.

We talk, about our lives, how we've been, what's changed, everything. Getting caught up was the easy part, but now me and Charlie can't find a reason to stop talking. She comes over every night, texts me 24/7, and seems generally kind.

Over the next 5 months, I begin to develop feelings. We talk to eachother like we are together, as a couple, but we never kiss or do anything physical. But we talk. It's been quite a few months since me and Delilah did anything together, and while I feel guilty, I feel better when I'm with Charlie.

At least, that what I thought. So I decide to speak my mind to Delilah.

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