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I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. I can't help the thoughts racing through my head. Was it all a one-night stand? What if Delilah hates me because I did this? I mean she kissed me back... I can't ask her these types of questions, she'd get mad... but I've never really spoken to her about deep things so do I actually know she'll be mad? Maybe she wants to talk to me and just doesn't know how! No that's absurd...

I sit up and get out of bed to get a drink of water. I need to get my mind off this shit. I need to move on, school is getting harder and that should be most important.

Wanna hang out sometime soon?

Yeah sure. When?

I could come over today if u want

Idk I'd have to ask my mom. One sec.

I'm in the area so I'm coming over rn hehe >:)

No wait a minute I gotta ask


The doorbell rings. I hear my mother open it and yell for me to come downstairs. I jump out of bed and expect to see Delilah standing in the doorway, but instead I just see Autumn.

"Hey!" I say, catching my breath from running down the stairs.

"Autumn! So good to see you again!" My mom says. Me and Autumn are old friends. We haven't spoken in a couple years, why would she show up out of the blue?

I take her upstairs to my room, and we just sit on my bed in silence for a while. She finally breaks the silence.

A: "Soo Remus... How are you?"

R: "Oh uh it's Rex now..."

A: "Oh sorry. So Rex, how are you?"

R: "I'm okay! How are you? It's been a few since we last talked huh?"

A: "I'm okay. And it has! Sorry for showing up without warning."

R: "It's okay! I'm glad to see you're doing well... So why did you come to see me-"

Autumn cuts me off by kissing me. She pulls away,.and only now do I notice the look in her eyes. It's been there this whole time, I just haven't seen it. Or didn't notice.

"This is why I came to see you." She says, lust dripping off her tongue.

She wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me in again. Maybe this is what I need. Maybe this will clear up everything going on between me and Delilah. If she sees me with Autumn she'll just stop being confused right?

I pull Autumn on top of me by wrapping my hands around her waist. I can feel hot saliva coat my lips, and pull away after a minute or two.

"What?" She asks, sliding a hand into my jeans.

Whoa. I'm definitely not ready for this. I push her off me and take some deep breaths to calm down.

"Hey what's this about?" She asks, calmly, as if we weren't just making out.

Rex. This is for you to get over Delilah. Just make out with Autumn. You can't love two people. And Delilah hurt you. If you get with this girl, Delilah is bound to be jealous.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." I say, my stutter gone somehow.

I pull her back on top of me, and start kissing her again. After a couple minutes she pulls away and smiles. She places a hand on my thigh, as if asking permission. I grant it, of course.

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