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Delilah and I are doing really well. We've been together for around 3 months, and it's going swimmingly. So well, that Delilah is surprising me to yet another date! I'm so excited, because this time we're going to the movie theaters! When Delilah picks me up, she's very quiet. She doesn't say much and seems off, so I ask her why.

"You okay love?" I intrigue.

"Yeah just- just a rough day at work." Her voice quavers, but her eyes never leave the road.


"Yeah. This guy wouldn't leave me alone, calling me a fag and ugly and stupid and stuff. It's just annoying, that's all."

"But you aren't ugly... You work as a model so obviously you have to be pretty!"

"He just won't leave me alone, that's all." She clears her throat, and turns into the movie theater's parking lot.

She steps out, going around the car as always to help me out as well. She treats me like royalty, and I love it. I don't think I deserve all this, everything she gives me, and the way she treats me. She's too good for me.

"So... Smile?" She points to the horror movie on the little screen.

"Oh uh s-sure!" I stammer out, nervous to watch a horror movie.

"Mkay. And popcorn for us to share. You sure you'll be okay? You can squeeze my hand if you get scared." She buys our tickets and pulls my hand into hers.

I buy the popcorn, and we look for the room where our movie is being shown. Once we find it, we find our seats and get comfy. The movie starts and immediately I'm spooked. I'm trying to hide my uneasy demeanor, when someone's hand touching mine makes me jump.

"You ok?" Dee asks, holding my hand and squeezing it tightly.

"Y-yeah I think..." I feel the fear in my stomach manifest as a lump in my throat. I almost choke on it, as tears fall down my cheeks.

Delilah wraps her arms around me, to dampen the sound. She helps me up, and we shuffle our way out of the black room. She drapes her arm over my shoulders, leading me to the girls bathroom.

"Oh love... It was too scary, wasn't it." She says as she wipes tears off my face.

Sniffling, I bury my face into her chest, and she runs her hand over my hair. She kisses the top of my head and waits for me to compose myself. I'm not crying anymore, just taking a minute to calm down. When I finally do, I lift my head up and take a deep breath.

"I don't want to watch the movie anymore and I'm sorry I really am and if you want to go watch it I can just close my eyes or maybe wait here or something because I don't want to ruin the date and I'm sorry I'm-" My lips move faster than my brain can and words just keep spilling out.

Delilah puts her finger to my lips, and coos. She kisses me and then speaks.

"What do you want to do love?" She asks softly, so I don't feel any pressure to make a decision, and feel comfortable to speak my mind.

"I want to not go back in that theater but I don't want to ruin your night or the date." I mutter the last part, feeling embarrassment fill my cheeks.

"You could never ruin the date. Plus that movie was ass. It sucked balls. Let's go hang out in the arcade." Dee smiles at me, lifting up my mood.

The whole room seems to brighten somehow, as if her words brought happiness into the world, scaring out the dark. Delilah holds my hand as we walk to the arcade, and we sit down at a bench to finish the popcorn.

While I'm finishing it since Dee said she wasn't hungry, my girlfriend walks around looking for where to go next. She vanishes from my line of site for a couple minutes, which begins to worry me. As I stand up to find her, she appears around a corner and skips excitedly towards me.

"Come come come!!" She squeals, grabbing my wrist and basically pulling me behind her.

"Where are we-" I begin, before spotting the photo booth.

"Hehe okay love!! I'll pay, let's take cute photos!!" Delilah excitedly steps into the small box, and motions for me to follow.

I step into the box, careful to not hit Delilah or anything else. There isn't much room for me to sit, since the bench is rather small. Dee, almost telepathically, realizes this just as I do, and gets up.

"No it's okay! I think I can fit-" I start, but Dee forces me to sit down.

I try to scooch over, making space for Dee, but she clearly had other plans. Without any hesitation she sits on my lap and gets comfy. I feel my face burn up, and butterflies swirl in my stomach.

Every time she moves to get a little comfier, all i can think of is her on me. On top of me. The weight of her on me, in that spot, it makes me-

"You ready darling?" She says, kissing my forehead lightly.

"Of course love." I kiss her, letting her pull away to swipe her card and start the timer on the photos.

I couldn't focus on taking good photos. All I could focus on was her, and the thoughts swimming through my head. She was on me. On my lap. In a photo booth. In public. I couldn't hold back, couldn't restrain or stop myself. I just wanted to kiss her.

I wanted to kiss her while she was on me, on top of me, perched on my lap. So I did. She kept trying to smile for the photos, and I wouldn't let her lips off mine. Not for a second. I wanted her there, right where she was, holding me down. I wanted to taste her. Devour her.

I wanted her to want this. Want me. Mostly tho, I wanted her. I loved her. This moment felt like it lasted for an eternity, and i was savoring every second of it. I didn't know I wanted this until I had it. But then I really wanted it when Delilah got up.

She smiled and showed me the printed photos we got, one for each of us. They were adorable. She kissed me again, and I smiled widely, looking at the souvenir I now have of an amazing date with my amazing girlfriend.

 She kissed me again, and I smiled widely, looking at the souvenir I now have of an amazing date with my amazing girlfriend

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A/N: Hey guys!! Sorry for not updating in forever. I just wanted to make this cute fluffy post, but making the drawing at the end took FOREVER so I don't wanna hear a single "ur bad at art" comments because this took me 3 days 😭 (with the help of AI)

Anyways I love you my little dumplings, and again I'm sorry for the weird posting schedule. It'll return to normal soon!! (I hope).

Drink some water/stay hydrated, get lots and lots of sleep, and take care of yourselves <33

-Dee xoxo

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