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A/N: Sorry for the weird update time Wattpad isn't letting me put up the banner image like usual. This chapter is in Delilah perspective

Ever since the party, Rex and I have been texting non-stop. It was a pretty crazy night.

Very spooky and unpredictable flashback

The sirens blaring down the street cause kids to spill out of the house like a popped water ballon. They jump into cars with their friends, trying to get away, or just book it down the street.

I turn hard on my heels and get back into my Range Rover, watching as Rex fights their way back into the house. The sirens grow louder and louder, warning me as I wait for Rex to reappear. I don't know why I'm waiting for them, I owe them nothing.

I see blue and red lights glinting on the windows down the street. They'll turn the corner any moment now, and I'll be officially fucked. I can't wait any longer, and shift the car into drive. I'm revving the engine, once, twice, and finally Rex flees the house, with what looks like puke on their shirt.

"Where's Autumn??" I frantically glance at the cops turning the corner.

"Shes-" Rex starts, before seeing the cops and going pale as if they'd seen a ghost.

"Well too late now!" I yell, tearing out of the street, watching the cops slow down infront of the house through the rearview mirror.

"Are they going to follow us?! I'm going to be in so much trouble!! They can't chase us!! Oh my god Dee you'll get a DUI!!" Rex's hands reach their face and start clawing at their skin.

I grab on, put it in my lap, and continue driving in silence. They move their hand from my lap to my thigh, causing me to tense up slightly. I drive us all the way to the cabin, and tell them to wait in the car. I don't think Rex heard me, because they seem too lost in thought. They don't leave the car either though.

"Here." I return to the car and hand them their blazer, and motion towards their shirt.

"Take off that puke soaked shirt please, It's making me sick." I try to divert my eyes from the vomit on their shirt.

"Sorry... I forgot about your fear." Rex mumbles, before unbuttoning their shirt and carefully letting it slip off their body.

I can't seem to look away. They delicately fold it, careful that the pile doesn't touch anything in the car. They slip the blazer on, buttoning it up. I can still see their bra, and their eyes move from their shirt to mine. I turn away, trying to play off the blush on my face.

"So... Home?" They request, yawning and turning to look out the window.

"Yours or... Mine?" I want to punch myself for asking such a stupid question.

"Mine?" Rex looks at me with concern in their eyes.

"K." I say, feeling my breath hitch.

We drive in silence, and when we reach Rex's street, they tell me to stop. I haven't reached Rex's house yet, but they get out anyways.

"You'll wake up my family if we pull into the driveway in this." Rex's eyes trace the outline of my body, untill their eyes meet mine.

"Goodnight. Thanks for the ride." They say, and I watch their lips spell out each word.

"G'night." I muster a smile, and Rex reciprocates.

I drive away, and on my drive home I pass Autumn's house. The police are in her driveway, and as I drive past I see her parents outside. Her dad is standing emotionless, like a board, holding her mom from falling over as she's racked with sobs.

I keep driving, but pull over down the street. I post "Autumn St Clair overdosed on gummies guys 💀" and watch as it blows up within seconds.

I snort at how stupid the post is, and how naive people are to believe it. On the drive home, I get a call from an unknown number. I just ignore it, and go to bed.

I wake up with a bit of a hangover, but not too bad. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen, drink some water, and head back upstairs. I check my phone to see thousands of emails, missed calls, texts, and other notifications.

I'm confused at first, so I check my texts first.

Hey what's going on?
I just woke up lol

Turn on the TV. It's all over local news.

I lay on my bed and turn on the TV, and my hand reaches my lips before the gasp can. Autumn St Clair is dead. Along with a couple other kids I know, including Liam.

Someone brought spiked edibles to the party, and eating more than two of them was enough to stop your heart. I check the rest of my notifications to see it's mostly just a fight between my followers over last night's post.

One side is saying I killed Liam and Autumn, and my motive was that Liam cheated, and that I killed Autumn because she is- was, Rex's girlfriend. And that I'm jealous. I can't help but laugh at the stupidity of these people.

The other side is saying I didn't kill anyone, and that this is revenge I deserve for getting cheated on, by both Liam and Rex. Wait, what? I didn't date Rex, so it wouldn't be cheating. I text Rex, who's been texting me all night.

I'm so sorry

For what? It's not your fault she died

For your loss.

The police came to investigate me today, and I feel so guilty.

What? Why?

Because I was there when she ate all those gummies I could have stopped her

Don't dwell on things you could have done
Then you'll never get anything done

I'm sorry about Liam

Yeah... It really sucks.

You still love him?

Just because I care about someone I lost, even if they were awful, doesn't mean I still like them. It just means I'm a good human being
I would have never wished bad things to happen to him. That's evil. Monsterous. Wishing misfortune on someone is villainous.


I put my phone away and take a couple minutes to breathe. A moment of silence, if you will.

A/N: Thank you guys for reading!! Wow... 500 reads... I hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night!! You're all beautiful people and I love you guys so much!! And thank you to all my friends for supporting my story, because now I've reached bigger audiences and even have writers with popular books following me! So thank you guys. <33
Omg these hearts are so cute <33 I am obsessed. Also I'm cutting my hair soon guys, so that makes me happi and also princess you're so stronk for powering through <3

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